I know some people want a "real" Mandarin, but if the supposed idea that there's gonna be an actual Mandarin in the future is gonna be true, it smells of nothing but damage control at this point. So what, we get three versions of the Mandarin now? Trevor (classic version), Killian (modern version) and now what? Are we getting a Trevor look-alike or another modern take similar to how Killian was based on modern versions of the Mandarin (only he's actually Asian now)? So basically the point about how "xenophobic stuff like the Mandarin terrorist isn't real, because the "real" Mandarins are the people (like Killian) hiding in the shadows and a lot closer to you than you think" is pretty much down the drain right? It makes me wonder at this point because it just renders the point of the Mandarin in IM3 moot if they're just gonna do a double twist. With this they're essentially just going back on that and saying "oh woops, nevermind here's the REAL Mandarin, hah clever huh? Because you got a twist before, but now you're getting an UN-TWIST! See, gotcha again!"
I wouldn't have minded it if it weren't such a key part in IM3 and how IM3 was pretty much brandished around as the seeming finale for the IM franchise (barring Avengers and all), but to leave such a gaping trail that hints at a potential "real" Mandarin just feels half-baked at this point where it sounds more like a potential cash-in for a sequel. Even worse if you try to imagine how that could pan out "Surprise Tony Stark! I'm the real Mandarin! Now let me do some really bad stuff, except now that I'm actually a "real" terrorist, it makes me that much more threatening amirite?"