Thanks for the tip! I really want to get them, so I could watch it in fully in Japanese, for history. So far I only watched a third of the Cell arc and the full Boo arc in Japanese. I watched KAI twice in Japanese, but from clips I've seen the original blows it out of the water. The English dub of KAI is better. I don't care about the cropping. I like having blu rays, because they don't skip. I bought a few of the "almighty Dragon Boxes", and I would rather have the blu rays. They look good, but I actually like having my screen filled and I'm not picky. People are being jerks about it and are hating Funimation for putting them out. It's like they'd rather have nothing instead. No one's forcing them to buy it, and it's an excellent deal for the price. I don't have them, so I could be way off, but I'm glad you like them!
I'd be curious what you think of the Freeza and Cell arcs of the Funimation dubs, because I think they're awful. I thought the Saiyan arc re-recorded dub on the DVDs were good, but I had to skip through those arcs, because I thought they were so bad, except for the filler. If it wasn't for KAI, I would not have gotten into Dragon Ball. I don't understand how people are using the old Funimation dub as canon to Toriyama's story, when Chris Sabat will even go on about how they just had to make up their own lines, because they couldn't afford a good translation and they hired people who never acted before. And then calling KAI childish because of the lack of blood, even though there is in the uncut, and the lines were changed for kids to enjoy, which I think is a great thing. Goku is not a character in that dub, in my opinion, he just spouts a bunch of generic messages, which make no sense. Gohan was done pretty well though. He actually felt like a character. That's probably why I enjoy the filler in english, because most of it is of Gohan. I also can't stand how they keep playing rock music every second, even when they're talking. I don't think it's bad music, but it's annoying for the show and makes it out to be like a dumb action show. I don't understand people hating Broli, but are okay with "This is amazing. I feel incredible. Yes. Yes. Yes. I feel great I can do this.Yes I'm home. I'm alive. This is all a miracle. I'm awake. I'm wide awake. Hang on Gohan. Here I come." or "I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good! Nightmare to you!" It happens throughout the Funimation original. I don't understand how any of you can stand it. Ignoring the actual audio track, the Boo arc is the only one that has good pacing to me, which is why I watch KAI for the first three arcs, and the filler episodes of DBZ. Some episodes in DBZ would really be only 5 minutes long of content and the rest of just showing episode recaps, flashbacks, and environmental shots. I had to fast through a lot of it. When I refer the anime, here I'm referring to KAI for a heads up. The dubs for Dragon Ball and GT are really good though!