Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

It really looks fairly decent. Better than the roidrunner getup and alot better than a just a guy in spandex. How they depict him while running will be the determining factor.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Same here. I'm DC's ***** until they do something to make me hate them as badly as everyone else seems to (or, you know, not; since I don't just get while the getting's good). Everybody's "make mine Marvel", now, but I've been a DC fan since before I could read, and I'll stay a DC fan until I kick the bucket. I enjoy Marvel's films, and I'll absolutely see every one of them, but that's not me. I loved The Dark Knight Rises, I thoroughly enjoyed Man of Steel, and, as blasphemous as it may sound, Batman & Robin could've actually been a good movie with different execution. Boom.
Yup to all that, I like Marvel too, most of it's characters don't interest me in the slightest but the ones that do I'm a big fan of, but I would never hesitate in putting DC before Marvel, in my book they're still creatively doing things better than Marvel in the movie turf so far, in comics Marvel's doing better though.

If I ever need to quickly cleanse my entire gastrointestinal system prior to an emergency surgery or something, that's probably the method I'll use to get the job done.

IM3 works better, tested.

Hey now, I was about to start rooting for Flash after the cowl pic.... until they showed the full suit. :slap :lol

That cowl gave me a bad feeling, looked to much like Avenger's Cap's.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Hey now, I was about to start rooting for Flash after the cowl pic.... until they showed the full suit. :slap :lol

To be fair, why don't we wait to see how it looks in action? Plus, if it still looks terrible, who cares? How many costume changes are there in superhero movies, alone? I'm sure they could always amp it up a notch for season 2. They'll probably have a throwaway line in the season finale where he says "this thing chafes like a *****" to Iris, and he comes back looking like Usain Lightning-Bolt in Season 2.:lol
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

MOS 2 w/o Batman would be disastrous for WB at this point.

So they need heavy hitter Batman to babysit the MOS just to take on Cap. :lol
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

The funny thing about that statement is he's referring to Cap and Batman, not Superman. Even more proof of how the public can see WB's distancing themselves from MoS. Makes me wonder just how long after the events of MoS, BvS is supposed to take place. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Superman ends up being a soft reboot of the character from MoS.

It seems to me they refer to DC vs Marvel not Batman/Cap.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

They may also have inside knowledge that the rumor of WB moving their film is true, and they could be pre-emptively getting their flag in the ground to humiliate the Distinguished Competition. God, I love it.
I love DC, and I love Marvel, as comic companies (historically), and as the source of all these great characters that mostly Jack Kirby/Stan Lee and their DC counterparts are responsible for.

So my hope is that this kind of thing will spur both companies on to produce better products as a response to the competition. But if that's gonna happen, WB has got to back off of the Snyder/Goyer focus IMO. They just don't have it in them to make really good movies. They seem to be pushing Goyer out already, which is good, but they need to go further, bringing in new blood, thinking outside the box creatively, and ultimately embracing some of the tone and essence of comic books that Marvel doesn't shy away from while WB apparently does (possibly a Nolan hangover effect).

Beyond that, the whole way they've moved toward shoving more and more into Superman/Batman makes me think of the recent Justice League: War animated DVD, and I think is another sign that they are creatively bereft. I thought that DVD was pretty mediocre. It had potential, and some really cool stuff going on, but they tried shoving way too much into too short of a story, and as a result most of the cool stuff got overshadowed or under-explored. And while some of the action scenes should have been great and memorable, they were too easy to forget when mashed together with dozens of other action scenes, one after another, without giving the viewer time to process what was going on, and without developing a proper dramatic context. If Superman/Batman does that, then I think DC could be ****ed. Because I don't think audiences are as dumb as studios may think, and I don't know that these films can skirt by on brand recognition, explosions, ****, and stupid jokes in the way that Transformers seems to.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I'm a fan of both too and I just wanna see WB bring their A game. To see a fully realized cinematic Justice League is almost too much to hope for. WB should be learning from Marvel and building on some sort of recognizeable foundation. MOS has too many issues to build off of. Good thing DC has so much going for it in the video game and TV category. We might be looking at another decade before the current team responsible for the most recent films moves on.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

To be fair, why don't we wait to see how it looks in action? Plus, if it still looks terrible, who cares? How many costume changes are there in superhero movies, alone? I'm sure they could always amp it up a notch for season 2. They'll probably have a throwaway line in the season finale where he says "this thing chafes like a *****" to Iris, and he comes back looking like Usain Lightning-Bolt in Season 2.:lol

This is the CW/WB we're talking about. Looking at their track record, I'd have to argue at best, you're reaching. :lol

It seems to me they refer to DC vs Marvel not Batman/Cap.

Read the part I bolded in Jye's post. :wink1:
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Key word there. :wink1:

That's my point I don't see Cap receiving half the love and attention IM got.

Yeah everybody's hyped about CA2 now, but IM got on Batmans level for a while in terms of internet memes, and you oughta know, that a very accurate popularity measure method :lol

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