Sounds like a great month!
I have no doubt, Barry! Thanks
I got a big month this month. Wolffe, Diecast WarMachine, Mechanic Tony, Mandarin, and Deluxe Vader. Plus pickin some up on my trip to NYC Saturday. Yay figures!
After the one shot on Thor 2 Blu, I think I've become obsessed with Trevor Slattery...
In the "Canned Heat" pilot you mean? Lololol
Im thinking of bashing a prison suit trevor but seem to have missed the boat on picking up a body for cheap
If I was to a clone on ebay which one would I need? He looks to me like he's a bit bigger than a ttm22, but has the slim neck post with smaller balljoint so I'm a little confused
It's a Phil Coulson/Storm Shadow body.
I'll PM you a link to get it cheaply.
Thanks a lot man, much appreciated!
No worries. While you *can* pick up a Storm Shadow body, the bootlegs do just as good a job, especially if it's going to be hidden under clothing.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking, probably just cheap out in this one. Will I need to sand down the ball joint in the neck of the bootleg? Think I've had to do that before to get smaller necks to fit
That body should work fine, even with the neck.
Of course, the neck will not have the anarchy tattoo. But you can paint that on. I have bought loads of those bootlegs for customs. They work fine with all HT parts because they are HT bootlegs.
Ah sorry Bar, I meant if I was to use the mandarin neck post would I have to shave the lower neck ball down on the body? I'm assuming yes as I think it's like the Red Skull neck joint
Ahhh. Give me a few minutes and i'll check.