Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

It should have some internal logic and consistency to tie them together. RotS finally started getting some of the aesthetics right. Too little, too late in my opinion.
But in the new Trek movies JJ didn't stick to the aesthetic of the original series for the most part, or even that of the films using the original crew. It was very slick and futuristic looking, in some ways on par with the kind of look Lucas was going for with the prequels.

If JJ goes with a more OT look, which it looks like he is, my guess it is more based on his personal preference than some strong desire to maintain a logical consistency with the original source material.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

seeing those sets.. real just fantastic.. it brings so much nostalgic feeling from the old movies.. Im so positive these new movies will be so great..
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Better than the PT is still all I'm prepared to say at this point. That's a statement of how crap I think the PT is that I'm willing to say a film that isn't even finished yet is better than them.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Better than the PT is still all I'm prepared to say at this point. That's a statement of how crap I think the PT is that I'm willing to say a film that isn't even finished yet is better than them.

Actually it just says that you're completely hooked and Disney's PR campaign works perfectly :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I still don't get it. I want to love this movie just as much as the OT like most people. And I'm confident we will get something cool, however we have seen nothing from a production standpoint at this stage that is different than the Prequel productions.
There were a tonne of silly rubber creatures in the prequels as well as some amazing practical ship work. Nothing at this point is any different approach wise. The one thing the prequels were not lacking was artistry and design work.

Why is everyone (not just here) doing a big sigh of relief as if something radical has happened?
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I don't get it. I want to love this movie just as much as the OT like most people. And I'm confident we will get something cool, however we have seen nothing from a production standpoint at this stage that is different than the Prequel productions.
There were a tonne of silly rubber creatures in the prequels as well as some amazing practical ship work. Nothing at this point is any different approach wise. The one thing the prequels were not lacking was artistry and design work.

Why is everyone doing a big sigh of relief as if something radical has happened?

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I don't get it. I want to love this movie just as much as the OT like most people. And I'm confident we will get something cool, however we have seen nothing from a production standpoint at this stage that is different than the Prequel productions.
There were a tonne of silly rubber creatures in the prequels as well as some amazing practical ship work. Nothing at this point is any different approach wise. The one thing the prequels were not lacking was artistry and design work.

Why is everyone doing a big sigh of relief as if something radical has happened?
Don't mind a-dev. He's Irish. 'Nuff said, am I right? *extends hand for high five*
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

It is a great move! I never got why the concept artists for the prequels made so many designs that looked like they belonged in a different movie franchise. Why did the interior of the Trade Federation's ships look so advanced in comparison to the Death Star's, for example? Because that was 1999 and the other was 1977. But when a story is is set in the past, you can't adapt it and change it to look "cool" for the year the movie is made. It should have some internal logic and consistency to tie them together. RotS finally started getting some of the aesthetics right. Too little, too late in my opinion.

I love that they're using McQuarrie's designs. I am actually happy they weren't wasted on the Prequels if these have a chance of being better movies!
I love that they are as well. But the prequels also used McQuarries unused design work.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

The Tatooine shots were in Tunsia, though they also filmed the Tatooine shots from ROTS at the same time.

And then GL changed his mind, discarded those ROTS scenes shot in Tunisia and filmed Obi-Wan, Owen, Beru and baby Luke on an entirely green screen cgi set at Fox Studios. Using only the background plates from the Tunisia shoot a few years previously.

Much of the Naboo locations were in Italy.
No argument here, never has been if you read my comments

They had quite a few large sets--Padme's Apartment, Palpatine's chambers, the Outlander club. All very large sets. And for the CGI sets in the vast majority of cases they used CGI because it was the only option, the alternative was to not have those locations at all.
Palps chambers wasn't a big set and the only CGI used was for the scene outside the windows. Padme's was the only large scale set built for ROTS according to Rick McCallum, as for using CGI because there wasn't any alternative.... obviously you haven't listened to the DVD commentary because McCallum states it saved them huge amounts of money.

As for them filming AOTC on huge sets in the UK like Rorywan claimed :slap:lol:lol:lol:lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

The Tatooine shots were in Tunsia, though they also filmed the Tatooine shots from ROTS at the same time.
Much of the Naboo locations were in Italy.

They had quite a few large sets--Padme's Apartment, Palpatine's chambers, the Outlander club. All very large sets. And for the CGI sets in the vast majority of cases they used CGI because it was the only option, the alternative was to not have those locations at all.

Correct, they also shot in Madrid, for AOTC as well as Italy at Lake Como.
As for them filming AOTC on huge sets in the UK like Rorywan claimed :slap:lol:lol:lol:lol

There is so little logic in your highlighting, quoting and general knowledge I find it difficult to respond to your post in any way. Except perhaps to point out that the baby Luke Tatooine scenes were in Revenge of The Sith and not AOTC.
And the post that you quoted was actually correcting your comment that AOTC was shot entirely in Fox OZ with some minor London pick-ups.

There were large sets built for all the prequels. Go read a making of book or google some stuff. And all the prequels used real locations.
Particularly TPM and ATOC.

Bye now.
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