(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

My second order of business is to give a special commendation to the bounty hunter Boba Fett for his burning of the weak Owen and Beru.


Though he shall still Kneel Before Zod, Fett is worthy of being spared my wrath and will be a tolerable lapdog of Zod.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Because Zod finds this Star Wars universe amusing, he will allow two characters to provide him entertainment. Darth Talon


and the appropriately named Slave Leia (though technically all that Kneel Before Zod are slaves)


will dance and wrestle each other for Zod's favor. They will compete against Zod's champion, the beautiful and strong Ursa.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It is good to see that the people of Planet Houston have created small idols of Zod to which they may pray.

zod sixth scale matty.jpg

However, the quality is sorely lacking. Zod must speak to those who make "Hot Toys" so that they may begin work on an idol that more accurately represents him.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

...sneaks in since Celebration starts today and everyone is gone...has Non plant a flag

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I claim this thread in the name of Zod as rightful ruler of Planet Houston!!

Those who frequent this thread will be allowed to return...provided they


(have fun at Celebration :lol )

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It is good to see that the people of Planet Houston have created small idols of Zod to which they may pray.

View attachment 179657

However, the quality is sorely lacking. Zod must speak to those who make "Hot Toys" so that they may begin work on an idol that more accurately represents him.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Because Zod finds this Star Wars universe amusing, he will allow two characters to provide him entertainment. Darth Talon


and the appropriately named Slave Leia (though technically all that Kneel Before Zod are slaves)


will dance and wrestle each other for Zod's favor. They will compete against Zod's champion, the beautiful and strong Ursa.


what about getting a dance from her?
how much

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The weak human body cannot withstand the brutality Faora would inflict upon them. She is only interested men as playthings--playthings that do not last long under her punishment. However, if you are no longer interested in walking, Zod can arrange it.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The weak human body cannot withstand the brutality Faora would inflict upon them. She is only interested men as playthings--playthings that do not last long under her punishment. However, if you are no longer interested in walking, Zod can arrange it.

I think I can handle it

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah. JJ got me right in the Childhood.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh hell yes. I've watched it like eight times at work. Han and Chewie.../sniff
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Zod demands that he is given permission to change the name of this thread to The Phantom Zone.