Back in the day we had this trainee teacher taking our year 10 science class. This pretty, but naively eager, young woman was using her university-recommended strategy of highly organised overhead transparencies to convey to a bunch of testosterone-riddled 14 year olds the fundamentals of light and optics. But we were more interested in making paper cut-outs that we'd throw onto the overhead projector surface every time she turned away to get a new transparency. It started out with pretty tame silhouettes, like airplanes and cars motoring from one side of the screen to the next. The class would stifle giggles as the shapes were removed just before she turned back to the projector with her next transparency. It descended pretty quickly to silhouettes of people and animals in hard-core sex positions, accompanied by our howls of subversive schoolboy laughter. Then our regular teacher, hearing the ruckus, strutted ominously into the classroom and wasn't three steps through the door before we all STFU and returned to quietly fantasising about the trainee's lingerie.