(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I suppose Zod could relinquish control of this thread to the original members for a drawing of a crusty Emperor from the human artisan known as YoNoSe. Let it not be said that Zod does not appreciate fine art.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I suppose Zod could relinquish control of this thread to the original members for a drawing of a crusty Emperor from the human artisan known as YoNoSe. Let it not be said that Zod does not appreciate fine art.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

...sneaks in since Celebration starts today and everyone is gone...has Non plant a flag

View attachment 179630


View attachment 179631

I claim this thread in the name of Zod as rightful ruler of Planet Houston!!

Those who frequent this thread will be allowed to return...provided they


(have fun at Celebration :lol )

Glorious. Big Show kneels before Zod!

(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

If you all haven't seen it... new Star Wars trailer:

Yeah. JJ got me right in the Childhood.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh hell yes. I've watched it like eight times at work. Han and Chewie.../sniff

By official decree of Zod--your lives, the lives of your loved ones and friends, and all of your possessions are forfeit for the crime of posting Star Wars in The Phantom Zone. Those who can give rep may earn a reprieve. Those who cannot will face the consequences. Such is the will of Zod.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

i accept zod as my only lord and savior
hail zod, hail zod

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It seems humans are excited over news of this new Star Wars moving picture nonsense. It is a story built on fiction, therefore it is unnecessary and has been destroyed. Zod is instituting mandatory daily viewing of the documentary detailing Zod's unlawful imprisonment by the coward Jor-El, Zod's escape, and his eventual discovery of (and battle with) the last survivor of the House of El.


Unfortunately, the humans involved with the creation of this intimate look at the life of Zod took it upon themselves to alter the facts at the end of the tale. They, and their family and friends, have been harshly dealt with according to the will of Zod. The newly edited documentary is now free of lies and ends with Zod victorious over the Son of Jor-El, as the last scene shows him Kneel Before Zod.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It seems humans are excited over news of this new Star Wars moving picture nonsense. It is a story built on fiction, therefore it is unnecessary and has been destroyed. Zod is instituting mandatory daily viewing of the documentary detailing Zod's unlawful imprisonment by the coward Jor-El, Zod's escape, and his eventual discovery of (and battle with) the last survivor of the House of El.

View attachment 179775

Unfortunately, the humans involved with the creation of this intimate look at the life of Zod took it upon themselves to alter the facts at the end of the tale. They, and their family and friends, have been harshly dealt with according to the will of Zod. The newly edited documentary is now free of lies and ends with Zod victorious over the Son of Jor-El, as the last scene shows him Kneel Before Zod.

well, the batman vs superman trailer leaked :panic:


re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I am always watching.


Zod does not fear the crusty man who rules with trickery and forced trade embargoes. Zod rules with power and fear. He would demand that the hooded gnome Kneel Before Zod but this "Emperor" would probably not be able to get back up. As mighty as Zod is, even he does not wish to witness such an uncomfortable scene.

Now begone! This thread is The Phantom Zone for 3 more days! Such is the will of Zod. Plus, I planted a flag.
Re: (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

By official decree of Zod--your lives, the lives of your loved ones and friends, and all of your possessions are forfeit for the crime of posting Star Wars in The Phantom Zone. Those who can give rep may earn a reprieve. Those who cannot will face the consequences. Such is the will of Zod.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It is a beautiful day in The Phantom Zone.

The big news yesterday in human cinema was the leak of the trailer for the film Batman v Superman. There was no other movie news of consequence. All other movie trailers were of zero importance. However, Zod is not pleased with the idea that this "Bat Man", a human, would be any threat whatsoever to a Kryptonian--even the coward Jor-El's son. Zod would destroy this human immediately and with little effort. Why would a Kryptonian fear a man that dresses up like a building block toy figure?

bvs batman lego.jpg

lego batman.jpg

Even a Kryptonian failure such as the Son of Jor-El should be able to take care of this speck with little trouble. Any version that portrays this man holding his own against Kal-El is blatant human propaganda in an effort to give false hope to the overweight "fan boys" that they one day could be this Man of the Bat. They should change the name of this movie to "The Son of Jor-El is a disappointment to Kryptonian culture and will one day Kneel Before Zod but he still destroyed the Bat Man because Kryptonians are far superior in every way to the weak and foolish humans no matter what toys and gadgets they buy with their dead mommy and daddy's money".
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

To counter the almighty zods blatant propaganda:

The newest member of our family was born yesterday:



Cant wait until july when we can bring him home!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

To counter the almighty zods blatant propaganda:

The newest member of our family was born yesterday:



Cant wait until july when we can bring him home!

Not as impressive as a Kryptonian Thought Beast

kryptonian thought beast.jpg

but even Zod would pet this little creature and allow it to sleep on his lap.