Is the classics moss man pine scented?
Wow. This thread. This is pretty much why I stopped going on Why does MOTU seem to have such an annoying fandom? Not everybody, of course, but the one's that are annoying are REALLY annoying.
Wow. This thread. This is pretty much why I stopped going on Why does MOTU seem to have such an annoying fandom? Not everybody, of course, but the one's that are annoying are REALLY annoying.
I was just gonna basically say the same thing. When did this thread turn into This **** is getting tiresome.
You are the one taking low jabs going on and on and on about something that doesn't serve any purpose but perpetuate nonsensical whining...
Maybe talk about productive things regarding MOTU for a change, I was really hoping people would get over Scott once he left, but some people seem to love the drama and pointless bickering... the man has left MOTU, time to move on!
Score points? What are you talking about? I'm here to talk MOTU... not score points...
I actually can say that of all the He-Man heads we've seen over the years, my favorite is Mini-Comics He-Man, that to me is the ultimate He-Man look! Followed by the vintage one of course!
Let's not bring worshipping to the table teemu, you're quite the expert on blind worshipping so, don't... I do not worship him, I think his legacy on MOTU is much more important than Scott's, but you guys don't seem to agree on that...
I know right?
Yep, I should've held onto mine to resell at a later date!! Ha!!
This thread thrives more on drama than motu. Kind of exhausting.
Funny, I'm pretty sure people are forbidden to speak ill of Mattel and Neitlich over at, Or do you mean the constant white knighting from all the .orgers on here? If that's the case then yeah, pretty much just like the .org.
I am saying his legacy is more important than the Scott ranting...
So, Let me see if I understand. Am I taking low jabs at you? Because it sounds like your taking all this pretty personal. Your right. it definitely perpetuates nonsensical whining, funny how it's you (and now others) doing the whining.
Yeah but, Scott never left. He's still trolling over at the .org. where there happens to be one of the biggest groups of MOTU fans. He may not work for Mattel anymore but he's the one still causing controversy over there. I said it before. If he knew how to keep his mouth closed and master the art of, "Out of site, out of mind" It's a good chance this whole discussion wouldn't have gotten this far. Or maybe it would have because .orgers are gonna be .orgers.
What you don't realize is, Scott loves this. When all the focus is on him good or bad, he absolutely thrives on it. So why deprive him of he craves.
LOL!! Dude, it's toy forum, not the government... you oughta leave your mom's basement every once in a while...Is this an opinion, or just an .org-like totalitarian viewpoint?
Dude, let it go... Scott is gone, enjoy MOTU... stop being such a crybaby about it... jeez!!
And here's the pot calling the kettle black. LOL! Sorry pal, the only crybaby is you. You want to let it go, the ball is in your court. You really shouldn't be telling people what they can and can't talk about.
LOL!! Dude, it's toy forum, not the government... you oughta leave your mom's basement every once in a while...
Yeah, that was pretty constructive what you said, not to mention so very mature. *shakes head*
I'm noticing a pattern, both Kuwahara and Battle Ram Man barely contribute to the forum or this thread for that matter, which leads me to believe they were probably banned from the .org
So like, even if this were true, what's your point? Is this your way of trying to make us look bad because we offended you for calling Neitlich a poo poo head? LOL!
Seriously guys, this is nothing personal, but the redundant whining about Scott, specially now that he's gone, is annoying, doesn't add anything new to the conversation and detracts from the important stuff like, you know... MOTU actual news...
There's whining, which you are constantly doing, and then there's civilized conversation, which is what I am doing.
Time to move on, and get over this, if you're so worked up about it put you money where you mouth is and go picket outside of Mattel or stop buying MOTU all together. Seriously, if it causes you so much grievance, maybe you should rethink your priorities...
Your the one getting worked up, every time someone mentions the word Neitlich followed by the word fired. LOL! I guess you really can't see how contradictory you are.
As to why some people go to great lengths to try and cover up the truth to the point where it becomes so disgustingly obvious is beyond me.
Not for nothing, but you did ask why so many people have such a low opinion of Scott Neitlich, Several of us have spoon fed quite a few examples of his treachery. Also, us Neitlich detractors also talk about the product and clearly we love the toys and are happy to answer any of your questions.
Also not for nothing but, Yeah, Moss Man has a pine scent. I mean c'mon, that's basic common knowledge.![]()