Once again, thank you adding so much intellectual discourse to this debate. I appreciate the countless hours you've undoubtedly spent framing your careful responses. Now that the polite niceties are out of the way why don't we begin?
Yes, Mattel has every right to change their model. Yet the crux of the matter is they have not. They are still relying on their subscription model and plan to for the Thundercats line as well. As I explained in my last post, convention only con exclusives erode the foundation of this model. There is no measurable benefit to Mattel or there customers to offer convention only exclusives. Even Scott, for all his blunders, was wise enough to see that would be a huge mistake and refused to go down that road with MOTUC.
Is Val getting rich? That would be a ridiculous assertion; however, Val does, according to Emiliano, make a nice profit of his website each month. Power-Con is another opportunity to add to his annual income if it were to be successful. Based upon Val's own words he specifically wanted these particular three exclusives at Power-Con because he knows there is demand for them. In short the more money Power-Con makes the more Val makes. Fans have been supporting this line for seven years. Now they are expected to support Val and Power-Con too? Now that is ridiculous.
I agree.
I empathize with the people who are completists that would like to own these 3 figures without having to go to PowerCon. I am all for Mattel joining forces with PowerCon to create an exclusive. The problem I see is we went from a tiny Skeletor sword (that was a variation in functionality from the one EVERYONE has) as an exclusive, to THREE (not one), THREE figures. Actually, TWO full figures and and OVER-SIZED BEAST as exclusives for a convention. I'm sorry but that's just another douche move to add to the ever growing list, not just on Mattel's part, but Val's too. I'm sure he knew it would stir up controversy, but in his and Mattel's eyes it's creating buzz.
Like I said before. I can't see Mattel going into production on all three of these items, and not having more than enough to go around. Unless it was another lie, we were all led to believe that a production run of just one figure is in the multi-thousands. I may be wrong, but regardless of what Val and his cronies are telling fans, Mattel just might offer them on Mattycollector at some point. Worst case scenario, Mattel will allow all of the stock to be sold at PowerCon. Whatever is left will be sold to the people (on the .org) via Markatisu, unfortunately at a substantial mark up.
On the other hand, the absolute worst case scenario and most realistic outcome would be that SCALPOR will buy a ton of them from PowerCon and sell them on eBay at a RIDICULOUS mark up, and I think that is what many fans are kinda pissed off about since there is no definite plan for Mattel to make them available after PowerCon. The brite side to this is EVERYONE can get them, not just .org members.
Which brings me to another thing that's messed up and demonstrates neither party is looking out for ALL the fans who want these is, Not everyone is registered on He-Man.org, and so far, the only solutions being offered by Val is to find a member of the .org that's going to PowerCon who is willing to help out, or get in touch with Markatisu. So if you were one of the MANY people banned from the site or you don't know Markatisu personally, your shyte out of luck.
But I definitely think three full figures as exclusives is WAY TOO many for a tiny convention, and that these three figures should be offered to subbers during Early Access first, then All Access on mattycollector. PowerCon should have an exclusive that isn't something everyone must have. This kind of reminds me of when Mattel sold Shadow Weaver as a sub exclusive.
Conspiracy Theory for July 14, 2015:
I am hearing through the grapevine that The folks involved with PowerCon are going to buy up all the exclusive figures upfront from Mattel at a discount, then sell them for a profit at PowerCon. (Maybe that is what Val meant when he said, " Their creation and production is a Power-Con expense"). This is all fine and dandy, but I'm willing to bet they will try and keep as much stock as possible so they could then be sold on ebay at a huge mark-up, that profit going in Val's and a few other's pockets.