Thank you!Those looks so amazing. The guts look superb.
Thank you!
Thank you. Maybe if I can afford it next year I'll give away custom painted mini busts.Nicely done!
Thanks! i enjoy it immenselyJosh those look awesome! Great job.
I used to paying models and miniatures, but only ships and planes and tanks. I could never get the hang of painting animals or people. You did an excellent job on your mini-busts!
Wow, great job Josh! I especially like the vampire.
Veil...I can no longer go back to that page because that image was just too damn creepy, nice work!
Josh, really awesome job on those! Definitely a talent that many of us wish we had, I'm sure! Look forward to seeing more of your stuff. Feel free to post it here whether it be Spook related or not, as I'm sure we'd all be interested in seeing what you've done!
I didn't know you were such an excellent painter Josh! Awesome busts. Like Veil said, that vampire is superb my friend!![]()
I put these in my customs thread but I figured I'd Share them with you guys, my Freaktacular friends. These are all sculpted by Quarantine Studios and painted by me.
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Thank you, the horror stuff is really fun to do too. Wish there was more of it out there as unpainted statues and busts.
Excellent job gentlemen!![]()
I agree...I paint occasionally, a novice mind you, but I was looking for stuff to paint for practice and it's hard to come by. I have only painted by hand, but one of these days I'll get an airbrush.