Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure we go...I get attacked by some random...person....just because I don't like a specific run or writer/artist/whatever and someone disagrees so I'm somehow wrong and being a snob by someone who's actually being a snob....on an action figure forum.
And? I like a specific run. You like your specific run(s). Who are you to say my preferences are wrong and yours are somehow right? Guess what? I'm a huge Deadpool fan and I have the right and freedom to like what I like and don't like what I don't like. It doesn't even remotely change my status as a huge fan. You aren't more of a fan than I am, pal. You don't get to tell me or anyone else what we like and don't like. Get over yourself.
So because I like a specific run and don't like what YOU do, I don't "actually like to read comics"? Talk about snobby.
^ THIS is ridiculous. Nowhere at any time did I ever say anyone was a poser. Point to where I said "you are a poser if you like Daniel Ways run with Deadpool". I didn't even name what writers/artists/whatever I DID prefer. Just that I didn't like what Way did to the character. I said I FEEL that the REAL version of Deadpool TO ME was NOT what Way did. It's my right to feel however I wish and at no time did I even REMOTELY say that if you like Ways run or don't like the runs I do that you're not a real fan much less call anyone a poser. I hate the way Way dumbed down the Deadpool character. News Flash....I can feel that way. I'm not wrong. You're trying to call me and other people that don't share in your opinions SNOBS yet you have proceeded to actually do what you've tried and failed to accuse me of doing. So yeah, pot, kettle, black.
Try following your own advice before you try and jump down someone's throat for not liking what you like.
Eh, pretty much this whole thing in response to xenowolf's rant.
For me, the Way run is dreadful. It doesn't portray Deadpool as a multi-layered character, but rather as an obnoxious frat boy. When you have lines such as "****ies", I'm sure as hell not going to hold your work in high standards. It had good art and some Bay-Splosions, but please, the Way run was the equilavent of a Bay movie. Fun the first time, but that's it.
You like it? More power to you brother. I, and many others, don't. So please, don't go the whole "hipster" route. It has become a common "defense" nowadays, where if someone doesn't agree with you, he's a "hipster/jumping on the bandwagon".
Oh, so you like the Prequels, uh? Pff, fockin Hipster...
Oh, so you don't like the Prequels? Pff, mindless drone jumping on the bandwagon...
Oh, so you like the Marvel movies, uh? Pff, poser, I bet you haven't read a Mavel comic in your whole life...
Oh, so you don't like Marvel movies? Pff, just a hater, trying to seem different, fockin hipster...
See where I'm going with this? People have different opinions. End of story. Somewhere out there, there's a guy whose favourite character is Jar Jar, and he's convinced that he's the Master Planner, which makes him all the better. Jar Jar is, IMO and many others', a pretty awful caricature, but hey, I'm not gonna get my panties in a bunch because of it.
As it stands, Kelly wrote an excellent Deadpool, with Duggan, Remender, Pohsen and Nicieza doing a bang-up job as well. Way's run was uninspired, boring, filled with 'splosions and just cattered to the "meme crowd". Nothing wrong with that, but please, don't try and make out
opinions invalid just because you like an,
IMO, mediocre to bad run...