1/6 Hot Toys - MMS347 - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Yeah last years comic run was pretty epic. Fun Deadpool with some serious thrown in and great storylines.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Yeah the whole thing with deadpool taking a vow of non-violence and becoming a zen master is kind of a funny idea.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

I'm still so happy that this is happening at all.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Exactly. You expect it to be the usual deadpool affair and then you just go "Damn......I think I need to go hug someone"
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Exactly. You expect it to be the usual deadpool affair and then you just go "Damn......I think I need to go hug someone"

I was expecting some dark **** with Shalvey being the artist, but those issues were a gut-punch.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Haven't bought anything first day PO in a long time but this will be a must get! Hopefully there's an SS Exclusive.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Thank GOD someone said it. My head was going to explode with all of the Johnny-come-lately-front-runnerDPloveChimiwhatverthecrap that gets repeated over and over and over. That's not the real Deadpool. Thank God the film doesn't seem to be going that route from the info I have seen and heard while they were filming it near where I live. Deadpool is a MUCH, much deeper, richer character than that hack Daniel Way has tried to turn him into. Far as I'm concerned, Way's run doesn't exist and anything pointing to it I look at as a cheap bootleg of some nitwit trying to be "funny". /rant ;)


As a huge deadpool fan that has most of his runs, this mentality annoys the hell out of me. Deadpool is a comic character and as such he is the subject of his writers. Joe Kelly's run was good for its time but definitely not the best run for the character, I give lots of credit to joe kelly for starting to define the character but I think he has been handled better by others, Fabian nicieza, Brian posehn, reminder, and even Daniel ways run was a more enjoyable read and that's why many people want to read deadpool, to be entertained and those of us that like to actually read comics like to see how characters are handled differently by different writers that's part of the fun of multiple runs for the same character. Everybody likes to jump on the "bash Daniel way" bandwagon and say you're a poser if you don't worship the Joe Kelly deadpool run and I say that's rediculous as I said before there are far more entertaining deadpool runs then this, so definitely don't listen to the deadpool snobs and feel free to like whatever writers version of the character that you want, they are all deadpool but some are funnier then others.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

I bet if there wasn't a movie associated with this and sideshow offer this version of deadpool people would still complain about it not being comic enough. As a deadpool fan I like them all.

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SS could never put out something like this, with that quality. Really can't wait to see the price of this compared to SS.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Seeing how SS is now as much as HT I'm expecting around 230 once again.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Seeing this figure makes me wish they would tackle CW's Flash. They would knock the costume out the park. Wonder why they're so against going after anything that's TV.

Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Do they even get Flash or other american superhero tv shows over there?
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

sigh...Okay...here we go...I get attacked by some random...person....just because I don't like a specific run or writer/artist/whatever and someone disagrees so I'm somehow wrong and being a snob by someone who's actually being a snob....on an action figure forum.

As a huge deadpool fan that has most of his runs, this mentality annoys the hell out of me.

And? I like a specific run. You like your specific run(s). Who are you to say my preferences are wrong and yours are somehow right? Guess what? I'm a huge Deadpool fan and I have the right and freedom to like what I like and don't like what I don't like. It doesn't even remotely change my status as a huge fan. You aren't more of a fan than I am, pal. You don't get to tell me or anyone else what we like and don't like. Get over yourself.

and those of us that like to actually read comics like to see how characters are handled differently by different writers that's part of the fun of multiple runs for the same character.

So because I like a specific run and don't like what YOU do, I don't "actually like to read comics"? Talk about snobby.

Everybody likes to jump on the "bash Daniel way" bandwagon and say you're a poser if you don't worship the Joe Kelly deadpool run and I say that's rediculous as I said before there are far more entertaining deadpool runs then this,

^ THIS is ridiculous. Nowhere at any time did I ever say anyone was a poser. Point to where I said "you are a poser if you like Daniel Ways run with Deadpool". I didn't even name what writers/artists/whatever I DID prefer. Just that I didn't like what Way did to the character. I said I FEEL that the REAL version of Deadpool TO ME was NOT what Way did. It's my right to feel however I wish and at no time did I even REMOTELY say that if you like Ways run or don't like the runs I do that you're not a real fan much less call anyone a poser. I hate the way Way dumbed down the Deadpool character. News Flash....I can feel that way. I'm not wrong. You're trying to call me and other people that don't share in your opinions SNOBS yet you have proceeded to actually do what you've tried and failed to accuse me of doing. So yeah, pot, kettle, black.

so definitely don't listen to the deadpool snobs and feel free to like whatever writers version of the character that you want, they are all deadpool but some are funnier then others.

Try following your own advice before you try and jump down someone's throat for not liking what you like.

Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Seeing this figure makes me wish they would tackle CW's Flash. They would knock the costume out the park. Wonder why they're so against going after anything that's TV.


I've asked a couple times about it. There's multiple reasons. Tv licensing is even more complex then the standard films. As there are more people with their hand involved from a production and rights side. Which means the profit is less percentage. It's also an American television program, and in this case the smallest broadcast network on top of it. With an estimated audience of around 2 million people. Where as a film can do more in a single day. Avengers was like 100 times as large, easily. So a smaller profit margin, for a product not widely shown in their home market, with a much smaller fan base. And flash especially is at disadvantage becuase of how DC has bungled their whole shared universe...mostly meaning the tv flash won't be the movie flash. I love the arrow and flash shows. Would love to have the figures. I've got a couple customs.

It's possible, very very small possible, that they can be convinced to try one or two. But it's not a great one.

And there are other factors in play as well...but those are the biggest and easiest to explain.

(For comparison just look at Star Wars...it's probably the widest release but you get the idea...shown in nearly 4200 theaters in the USA alone. Each seats 40-550 people and usually is shown 3-4 times a day opening week. Then a couple times a day for nearly two months. Yes the theater gets less and less full...but still. Just opening night, can exceed the audience for flash. )
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

sigh...Okay...here we go...I get attacked by some random...person....just because I don't like a specific run or writer/artist/whatever and someone disagrees so I'm somehow wrong and being a snob by someone who's actually being a snob....on an action figure forum.

And? I like a specific run. You like your specific run(s). Who are you to say my preferences are wrong and yours are somehow right? Guess what? I'm a huge Deadpool fan and I have the right and freedom to like what I like and don't like what I don't like. It doesn't even remotely change my status as a huge fan. You aren't more of a fan than I am, pal. You don't get to tell me or anyone else what we like and don't like. Get over yourself.

So because I like a specific run and don't like what YOU do, I don't "actually like to read comics"? Talk about snobby.

^ THIS is ridiculous. Nowhere at any time did I ever say anyone was a poser. Point to where I said "you are a poser if you like Daniel Ways run with Deadpool". I didn't even name what writers/artists/whatever I DID prefer. Just that I didn't like what Way did to the character. I said I FEEL that the REAL version of Deadpool TO ME was NOT what Way did. It's my right to feel however I wish and at no time did I even REMOTELY say that if you like Ways run or don't like the runs I do that you're not a real fan much less call anyone a poser. I hate the way Way dumbed down the Deadpool character. News Flash....I can feel that way. I'm not wrong. You're trying to call me and other people that don't share in your opinions SNOBS yet you have proceeded to actually do what you've tried and failed to accuse me of doing. So yeah, pot, kettle, black.

Try following your own advice before you try and jump down someone's throat for not liking what you like.


Eh, pretty much this whole thing in response to xenowolf's rant.

For me, the Way run is dreadful. It doesn't portray Deadpool as a multi-layered character, but rather as an obnoxious frat boy. When you have lines such as "****ies", I'm sure as hell not going to hold your work in high standards. It had good art and some Bay-Splosions, but please, the Way run was the equilavent of a Bay movie. Fun the first time, but that's it.

You like it? More power to you brother. I, and many others, don't. So please, don't go the whole "hipster" route. It has become a common "defense" nowadays, where if someone doesn't agree with you, he's a "hipster/jumping on the bandwagon".

Oh, so you like the Prequels, uh? Pff, fockin Hipster...
Oh, so you don't like the Prequels? Pff, mindless drone jumping on the bandwagon...
Oh, so you like the Marvel movies, uh? Pff, poser, I bet you haven't read a Mavel comic in your whole life...
Oh, so you don't like Marvel movies? Pff, just a hater, trying to seem different, fockin hipster...

See where I'm going with this? People have different opinions. End of story. Somewhere out there, there's a guy whose favourite character is Jar Jar, and he's convinced that he's the Master Planner, which makes him all the better. Jar Jar is, IMO and many others', a pretty awful caricature, but hey, I'm not gonna get my panties in a bunch because of it.

As it stands, Kelly wrote an excellent Deadpool, with Duggan, Remender, Pohsen and Nicieza doing a bang-up job as well. Way's run was uninspired, boring, filled with 'splosions and just cattered to the "meme crowd". Nothing wrong with that, but please, don't try and make out opinions invalid just because you like an, IMO, mediocre to bad run...
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Deadpool fans turning on each other because of different preferences. Damn.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Eh i don't feel that way at all. It's true DW's version of deadpool is far from the best but i liked some things about it. I'm not going to fault anyone for liking/not liking one or the other writers. Lets try to get off this topic people :lecture
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Deadpool fans turning on each other because of different preferences. Damn.

I wasn't turning on anybody, I just get tired of the constant way bashing and I do mean constant. I just wanted to throw my two cents into the discussion since nobody ever defends ways run. I was probly a little harsh with the snob comment and to BH I apologize for that but when you attack a writer as harshly as you did and say that he was trying to destroy the character you have to understand that will offend people who enjoyed it even with its flaws, but to each their own. It doesn't bother me that you don't like ways run, everybody is entitled to their opinion I just overreacted to seeing an extremely harsh way bashing for the thousandth time and I apologize for that :peace
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Deadpool (2016) - Deadpool Collectible Figure

Okie dokie...opinions have been given and apologies have been stated. Let's keep things civil now.

Don't make Snoopy bust out the Freaks Be Good Stick.