Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I knew you'd enjoy it. Good for you Gaspar. There's the CBM fan in me that is still curious about BvS but there's also the cinema snob in me that knows it'll be a frustrating watch. I'm glad there are fans that are getting enjoyment from the film though.

This is a weird movie, it's not really for those who seek a classic approach to the DCU, the Snyderverse is its very own unique thing now, loosely based on DC characters and I'm perfectly fine with that. So I did like it but not so much as a CBM fan, but as a mythology fan, because that's what it feels like for me, like mythology.

The cinema snob didn't find it frustrating to watch at all, there's enough cinematography and dialogue in there that got my cinema snob pretty engaged.
Damn, that's some knightmare **** then :lol How on earth did that happen? Nvm let me read the thread then to catch up :lol Good to hear it's safe.

If you are going to read through the thread.... you will see my full review back some pages. Feel free to debate it with me! :lol

I knew you'd enjoy it. Good for you Gaspar. There's the CBM fan in me that is still curious about BvS but there's also the cinema snob in me that knows it'll be a frustrating watch. I'm glad there are fans that are getting enjoyment from the film though.

I would say go and see it. I think this is just really an odd movie where technically speaking (in my opinion) it is a flawed movie and in a way it deserves the scores it got. On the other hand, it is a enjoyable movie that I liked with some really awesome scenes (pretty much the last half of this movie was awesome to me). If this makes sense... if you are more of a critic than fan you won't like it. If you are more fan than critic, I think most end up liking it. This coming from the former #1 hater :lol
Yes, if you treat it purely as a compelling and well told story, I think it's a pretty weak outing. But as a comic book movie, it's not too bad. It definitely does suffer from the Age of Ultron problem of too much going on, without enough of a clear and concise focus.

And of course, we got the ******* shakycam in the fight with Bats and Luthor's thugs. Plus, it was dark as hell. So, I was struggling to really process all of it. But that's standard operating procedure in action movies nowadays.
WITHOUT SPOILERS( since some did not see it)
Here's my review of the film.

First lets get the obvious out of the way, its a CG fest of awesomeness, not made for critics but the pure die hard fans of the DC Comics, two comics in particular are adapted for this film and they are glorious on the big screen.
Batman is at his purest in comic form here so are Superman and Wonder Woman, the later who steals all the scenes in the best of way .
The big brawl itself is worth the years of wait and the how and why are definitively well thought out and achieve something that is magic for the fans. We see them brawl and hard.

Now is Ben Affleck the definitive Batman, hell yes, hes straight up Batman in this when in the suit, out of the suit, well its like all previous actor, its the actor as Bruce Wayne , no one has yet to achieve the Ledger level of character build up for Bruce Wayne.
Henry Cavil this time brings Superman and Clark Kent to more familiar territories and he makes you cheer for Superman in the end and that's a good thing considering the ending.

Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman, she straight up makes you sit up for her action scene, she grabs total attention as Diana Prince and is beyond bad ass as Wonder Woman in battle, her solo film is a must since she needs more screen time.

Now for the villains, Well let's start with Doomsday, Hes the comic book version but with a different origin but still pretty true to the character, enough so that you can somewhat predict his actions , hes a brute that's purely CG but still a merciless killing machine, no matter what it looks like .
Lex this time is not after land, thank God, its a modern take on the character and Jessie Eisenberg brings some social network mannerism into this Lex Luthor, some might hate that BUT there's moments where he redeems himself where he is the Justice League Unlimited version of the character and the Lex we know and love to hate, something to be noted, this is an evolving Lex ... keep that in mind.

Now was the story good or bad... depends on where you stand, are you a DC Comics fan or a wanna be fan/critic who saw the dark knight and now pretends to know everything but never cracked a comic.. if the later then this is not for you.
But if you like the comics from yesterdays , then welcome to heaven.

Now Cameos and other heroes.
A lot of DC characters show up , but not everyone is named or called out , some remain nameless until the credits roll, and this is one of many reasons for anyone and everyone to go back and watch the film again.

As for the DC heroes that we know to be in this film other then the trinity, well its all cameos but all great cameos, ONE hero has a great but short moment that made me particularly pay close attention and was a pleasant surprise.

So that's it for my quick NON SPOILER REVIEW
BTW no after credit scenes, no need to stay seated past the end scene.
Final thoughts, well 2 and a half hours later and the film made me want an extra 30-40 minutes more of the heroes and rightfully so, to me that's a sign of a successful star to the DC cinematic Universe .
I give the film a 9.8/10, not perfect but a damn good ride and glorious start to what i hope to be a brilliant cinematic experience in the coming years.
I saw it in it's entirety with the family. I absolutely hated it. :lol

This is really an odd experience for me because I had been seeing bits and pieces of this thing since the fall as some of you know. I was privy to a bunch of spoilers and got to see the "best" scenes that weren't being shown in the trailers and such thanks to an insider, a good friend. The only thing I didn't know about was the ending with Superman and Doomsday, nor did he. So once everything is in context, man oh man, what a **** show. I will never see this movie again.

It's a disjointed mess. There are like 6-7 elements running throughout this thing, which would be fine on their own if it was allowed to breathe. You have,

- a sequel to Man of Steel
- a solo Batman story
- a Batman vs. Superman story
- a cool apocalyptic "Mad Max" future Batman movie
- an adaptation to the Dark Knight Returns
- an adaptation to The Death of Superman
- little advertisements for the Justice League
- Wonder Woman

It's a cluster ****. I was getting frustrated sitting there because there is zero flow. The editing from scene to scene makes no sense whatsoever. One minute we're following Batman on his crusade to take down Superman, then they stuff a random plot about a bullet from that Africa scene into it. This movie made me feel retarded because I was struggling to follow it.

There are some legitimately good scenes here and there. Batman's "Jeeper's Creepers" entrance abducting that pedophile that was trafficing those girls with the two cops was creepy and cool. The Bruce and Alfred chemistry and banter was perfect and rivaled the other Batmen. I liked the crippled Wally guy as this disenfranchised man that lost everything and blamed Superman while a guilt ridden Bruce Wayne blamed himself. The sadistic jar of piss? That could be suspenseful in another movie. There are some great moments throughout that are worth seeing. I LOVED the Mad Max "Knightmare" sequence where Batman and his crew go to make the exchange with the soldiers with the Kryptonite, but they end up being tricked when it's just a little green light. Batman's reaction and the fight that results is really suspenseful and great but . . . for another, different movie.

Then the next scene plays and it sucks you right out of the thing and you don't know where you are. You don't care where you are. The pacing for this movie is ****ing horrible. Remember when Batman and Superman are getting ready to duke it out? What does it do? We're introduced to another subplot involving the Kryptonian magic ship and Zod's corpse with Luthor acting like some kind of witch doctor. THEN we go to Diana and her ****ing laptop watching scenes from the Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg movies. Then we're at Kansas where Martha is closing the diner and gets abducted. JUST get to Batman's "hunt" and trap for Superman. That could have been a great scene if I actually cared about everything leading up to it. That should have been the climax of the movie, not Doomsday and the Death of Superman.

You have this great potential with this broken, bloated, cynical, Johnny Cash Batman and a Superman that's trying to do the right thing but is getting **** on and misinterpreted by the media every step of the way. There is a good story to tell there, but this movie just refuses to do it. It asks questions and ponders philipspical ideas but never does anything with them. Things that are established end up getting thrown aside. There is no story here. There's nothing to take away from it. You have a few quality scenes sprinkled out and some interesting scenes that would be great in a different movie, but none of it works as a whole.

I don't like The Dark Knight Rises, but ****, atleast it had a story with a clear 1st act, 2nd act and climax that was building up to something. The Schumacher movies? I never want to see someone insult Batman Forever or Batman and Robin again. Atleast those are competent movies with a clear intention and a good flow and consistent tone. Like them or hate them, they're actually telling a story that you can follow and not an incoherent mess.

Like I said, the frustrating thing is that there's a great movie in there somewhere but they're just juggling too many things. It really reminds me of The Dark Knight Rises (which to be fair atleast followed through with A STORY it was trying to tell) where it had all these cool ideas but does nothing with them. It just drives right through the plot instead of letting any of the concepts simmer. Nothing interesting anyway. Simply throwing out these philosophical themes and having characters pondering God complexes for a few seconds with exposition isn't enough. You have over two hours to flesh these things out, so do it. Don't throw in as much as you can and set things up for a sequel.

The third act isn't how I would have ended it. Doomsday was completely unnecessary and doesn't fit what the movie established itself as in the beginning. This should have been a Batman and Superman movie, PERIOD. I don't care for the Cavill Superman since I don't like MoS, but he got the short end of the stick here. They ****ed Cavill's superman over pretty hard. He doesn't have any great scenes, he never gets to speak his piece of mind. He never gets to defend himself or prove his worth. He gets blamed for everything. Batman kicks his ass. And he dies. Cavill is wooden as ****, but like this movie itself, there's a Clark Kent/Superman in him that's worth seeing. I know if there was material for him he could do it.

This movie doesn't know what it wants to be, so I don't care. I was sitting in there with disbelief when Lex is mocking the senator, or feeding jolly ranchers to a government politician to get access to the ship, or cutting himself with a naked Zod body, or Doomsday blowing up with huge electrical CGI explosions. It was a **** fest, all of it. Is it exploring the ideologies between Batman and Superman? Kind of. Is it a quasi-adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns? Kind of. Is it a sequel to Man of Steel? Kind of. Is it just there to set up the Justice League? Kind of. Is it a trippy movie with visions of the future (which goes completely unexplained)? Kind of. I bet there was actually a draft where there was a legit movie with a story at one point in the development and production process until the powers at be wanted Lex Luthor's trump card and all the Justice Legause **** to came into play. I dunno. I'm sick of all these movies really. None of them ever feel definitive or conclusive like they're giving it their all right out of the gate. It's always setting up more BS for people to get hyped up for the next couple of years. It's annoying. This should have been THE event of 2016, it's ****ing Batman and Superman. Instead it just feels like another bad movie that's come and gone.

It's actually really hard to describe the movie once you get out too. Try typing out the synopsis. I did that for a few of you guys around the holidays based on what I knew, and honestly, it made more sense and had drama out of context compared to the final produc. What a mess. It's just that there are scenes and set pieces that are great on their own. You know, if you were like watching just the scenes in a stand alone, non-comprehensive movie. The movie in it's entirety though? Awful. It's not cohesive at all. I don't know if it was the editing or what but it seemed like the movie was jumping from character to character randomly, almost like the next scene didn't matter and it was just going from A to B to C, etc. There wasn't a flow or logic to it.

They should have kept it simple. Batman against Superman (maybe with Luthor acting as a catalyst with a CLEAR goal, played by a charming and RUTHLESS guy like Bryan Cranston or something) for the two of them to clash. That's all it needed. No Doomsday, no Wonder Woman, no Justice League set up. It all made it too muddled.


Make a straight up adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns ala Wathcmen. Have the Joker, Two-Face, the president, the Mutant Leader, girl Robin and Superman.


A balls to the wall apocalyptic Batman movie directed by George Miller

Dunno how you **** up something this simple, but they managed to do it. The people I feel bad for the most are the actors. Affleck and Irons are good in it. The Russian guys could have made for great thugs in a seperate movie. Fishburne does his thing and makes for a cool Perry. All these elements together though just don't fit at all.
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Are there theories about the guy in Batman's dream, who was warning Bruce about. . .something vague involving Lois?
I thought he looked like the legless dude, whose name was Wally. So, I initially thought it was Wally West, pulling the same Flash warning deal that we saw on Crisis on Infinite Earths. But that couldn't have been the case after the explosion scene. So, I'm confused now. Weird that it was in a dream, and not an actual real-world encounter. And did the warning represent anything that actually happened in this movie, or was it forecasting something else? Though Lois almost died, Batman didn't seem to have anything to do with that.
I saw it tonight. Still processing it a bit, but it wasn't as bad as I feared it would be. I enjoyed it more than MOS, and though the tone is dour and grim, I didn't feel depressed and gloomy walking out. Though based on that ending, it seems that's what Snyder and company wanted! I do agree that it's not as bad as you would think looking at the RT score. But then, if you read specific critical reviews instead of just focusing on the RT percentage, most of the critics seem to think it's more or less an average, somewhat disappointing movie, not that it's terrible. And I guess that's where I fall, too.

I thought Batman was pretty great. His horror movie scene early on, the fight with Lex's thugs, his interactions with Alfred, the fight with Supes, he was pretty good in all of it, and Affleck did great. I wouldn't say he's the best Batman we've seen, but I probably would put him on par with the Nolan/Bale version. However, there were issues throughout this movie for me, and for Batman in particular, it was two-fold, on first go-around with this movie 1) he killed guys in his first scene in the Batmobile, who as far as he knew, had done nothing worse than trying to protect a Lex Luthor-funded convoy transporting a special item. I don't like Bats as a killer, but in general I was able to accept it in this movie. This though, was pretty crazy. It's like killing bodyguards for simply trying to be bodyguards. Made me grimace.; and 2) his about-face after hearing Clark whisper to him at the end of their fight was a bit hard to swallow. He goes from extensive planning and a total willingness to kill this guy to letting him go, helping him, and treating him like his best bud? Even waxing sentimental in the final scene, about how he should have done more for the guy or whatever? That took me out of the movie.

I thought Supes was pretty good. Actually better than I liked him in MOS. But he was a terribly unbelievable Clark Kent. Wonder Woman seemed a'aight, but a bit wooden. Did not like her weird theme, and it annoyed me whenever that started going.

I did not like Lex at all. I thought he was annoying as hell. I laughed during his last appearance talking about the ringing bells. Really reinforced my worst fears about him going in. Did not understand why he orchestrated the explosion, exactly. He mentioned that it helped him to motivate Batman to take on Superman, but. . .why would that have happened? It was obvious that Superman didn't cause it, and Batman would have known that. It didn't serve any utilitarian purpose that I could figure out (though I guess it's possible that it was a means of Lex being allowed to get the remaining politicians to support his plan to kill Supes?). And in the process, Lex apparently kills off
who didn't really do much of anything in the movie anyway. So, I don't know exactly why she was even in this one.

Doomsday was lame, and the uber-action in that fight was way more X-TREME than it should have been. BUT. . .Snyder. I thought the meta-human cameos were kind of lame, but in fairness, their insertion wasn't as forced as it otherwise could have been. Didn't feel the movie needed the downer ending, when obviously
Superman will be revived

I really had no problem with that scene.
I mean, let's think about it for a minute.

Batman goes after a bunch of heavily armed thugs who open fire on him immediately with some pretty heavy artillery.
What is he supposed to do? Use harsh language?
There is no way, in a semi-realistic universe, that he can defend himself against/take out heavily armed men without inflicting casualties. Try to stun them with some kind of gas? They'll still run into a wall at 80mph and die. Shoot at the tires? If that were believable (within the situation), they'd still end up crashing and dying.

Also, he never seems to go in with the intent to kill. When he's fighting the goons hand to hand, he goes out of his way to disable their weapons and never delivers a killing blow, not even when he's wounded with a knife. He doesn't stab the guy to death, he just wounds him.
in a way it deserves the scores it got.

Not a chance.

This movie is being butchered by the critics. The same critics who gave it a D gave garbage like IRON MAN 2, THOR: THE DARK WORLD, IRON MAN 3 & ANT-MAN positive reviews. Movies that took ZERO risks and moronically played for laughs.

To read critics brand this a D who last year gave AOU a B is a ****ing travesty.
Saw it a second time and I must say, I ********** LOVED IT. It grows on you, this time I was weeping in tears like a little B. Again, but worse.

I thought about everything that was said and I sat back and realized you know what? Half the people are ungrateful despite how much it sucks, Snyder or his cgi times does super heroes justice this if the first time you hear sonic boom when superman flies even if it's cgi'Id he moves the way he would fly if we saw him for real, batman moves and acts like a brute true vigilante who does not care about dispassionate justice, as long as it served, it's all about the details just like you hear he grappling hook fire and click. Wonder Woman used everything and behaved the way we would expect to see her, a Demi God.

These guys struggle, they grunt, they know when they are beat. If they were real it's the way you would expect them to move, I was in awe and still am, I can't wait for JLA.

Where was Lana Lang in this movie and still couldn't find the Hal Jordan but we will see.

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Oh and before I forget, the **** with Superman at the end is just tacky. Today was Good Friday and to have this movie open today with that blatant cross imagery and the funeral procession three days before Easter is just tasteless. :lol Shame too because there are some gorgeous shots. Great comic "splash page" visuals that rivial the cinematography in other movies (the funeral precession was shot wonderfully). Too bad the story is a POS.

I can't wait to hear the behind the scenes story and making of feature for this friggin thing. I want to know the whole story and what WB and Co. was thinking l.
Definitely agree with you Fabio, regarding the editing and overkill of sub-plots. Rorywan said it was like a plate of spaghetti, and there were likable bits here or there, but it was jumbled and unfocused. And I agree. But maybe because I was already accustomed to how Age of Ultron did the same thing, or maybe because my expectations for this were so damn low going in, it didn't ruin my experience. But it certainly held the movie back. If it was just about Bats vs. Supes, I think it could have been much, much better, even with the same creative team involved.
Are there theories about the guy in Batman's dream, who was warning Bruce about. . .something vague involving Lois?
I thought he looked like the legless dude, whose name was Wally. So, I initially thought it was Wally West, pulling the same Flash warning deal that we saw on Crisis on Infinite Earths. But that couldn't have been the case after the explosion scene. So, I'm confused now. Weird that it was in a dream, and not an actual real-world encounter. And did the warning represent anything that actually happened in this movie, or was it forecasting something else? Though Lois almost died, Batman didn't seem to have anything to do with that.

Batman's dreams weren't dreams nor was Flash's warning. Someone is transmitting messages & glimpses from the future onto Batman as dreams (which has been done before via tachyon particles in the comics) and Flash is telling Batman that 1) Lois Lane is the key, 2) that he was right about the danger Supes poses & 3) that he must find the other members of the JLA.

This all points to the INJUSTICE storyline being the plot for JLA. In INJUSTICE Joker kills Lois & Supes goes crazy as a result - blaming Batman for not having dealt with Joker in the past. Supes then becomes a warlord for Darkseid (as seen in the Knightmare sequence).*

BvS perfectly sets up an INJUSTICE-based JLA film in that it establishes just how much of Superman's humanity is directly tied to Lois.
Batman's dreams weren't dreams nor was Flash's warning. Someone is transmitting messages & glimpses from the future onto Batman as dreams (which has been done before via tachyon particles in the comics) and Flash is telling Batman that 1) Lois Lane is the key, 2) that he was right about the danger Supes poses & 3) that he must find the other members of the JLA.

This all points to the INJUSTICE storyline being the plot for JLA. In INJUSTICE Joker kills Lois & Supes goes crazy as a result - blaming Batman for not having dealt with Joker in the past. Supes then becomes a warlord for Darkseid (as seen in the Knightmare sequence).*

BvS perfectly sets up an INJUSTICE-based JLA film in that it establishes just how much of Superman's humanity is directly tied to Lois.

Exactly, if they're going to ignore Supes as a character to make him a villain/plot device, **** it, do it, I actually want to see it, I want to see Darkseid convert Supes into one of his lieutenants.

I mean, this thing is bound to be rebooted so, better go full ape**** and I want to see a full Mad Max Justice League.
I really had no problem with that scene.
I mean, let's think about it for a minute.

Batman goes after a bunch of heavily armed thugs who open fire on him immediately with some pretty heavy artillery.
What is he supposed to do? Use harsh language?
There is no way, in a semi-realistic universe, that he can defend himself against/take out heavily armed men without inflicting casualties. Try to stun them with some kind of gas? They'll still run into a wall at 80mph and die. Shoot at the tires? If that were believable (within the situation), they'd still end up crashing and dying.

Also, he never seems to go in with the intent to kill. When he's fighting the goons hand to hand, he goes out of his way to disable their weapons and never delivers a killing blow, not even when he's wounded with a knife. He doesn't stab the guy to death, he just wounds him.
Defend himself? He was the aggressor there, and could have simply backed away and went home if he wanted to. But he wanted the
so badly, that he was willing to kill a bunch of dudes to get it. That's the simple truth. Just because random thugs start shooting at him doesn't mean he has to retaliate by killing them all. But that is this version of Batman. So essentially, he's more post-murdered child Rorschach or Punisher than the Batman I know and care about. But apart from that, and the "Martha" nonsense I referred to above, I really did like this Batman quite a bit.
I saw the film in MPX Super Screen HD and Sound.Overall I did like the film 6.5/10.
First off sub par CGI in the entire Semi Truck chase and even worse in the entire Doomsday Battle.Made the scenes very blurry and not clean like the Nolan films were.
Doomsday was very lame,just too generic.Looked like a bad spawn of Abomination in The Incredible Hulk.
A few completely time wasting useless scenes could have been eliminated.
It felt like Eisenberg couldn't decide if he wanted to be the Joker or the Riddler.Even though none of them were in the Film.
Did not like the Batmobile or either of the Batsuits.
Affleck was good,better than I expected since I have never been a fan of his acting.
Jeremy Irons excellent as usual.
Cavill,Gadot and all the other actors were very good.
Zack did a very good job with the Story they wanted him to tell.Story,Story,Story.
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Just in case people are wondering... That is an alternate future Flash that visits and warns Bruce in the vision. It's basically a cross between Crisis on Infinite Earths and Injustice. Flash won't look like that in JUSTICE LEAGUE.
Batman's dreams weren't dreams nor was Flash's warning. Someone is transmitting messages & glimpses from the future onto Batman as dreams (which has been done before via tachyon particles in the comics) and Flash is telling Batman that 1) Lois Lane is the key, 2) that he was right about the danger Supes poses & 3) that he must find the other members of the JLA.

This all points to the INJUSTICE storyline being the plot for JLA. In INJUSTICE Joker kills Lois & Supes goes crazy as a result - blaming Batman for not having dealt with Joker in the past. Supes then becomes a warlord for Darkseid (as seen in the Knightmare sequence).*

BvS perfectly sets up an INJUSTICE-based JLA film in that it establishes just how much of Superman's humanity is directly tied to Lois.
So that was all inspired by a videogame? Interesting. Thanks for the insight. Any thoughts about the character? It wasn't the same Flash cast as Barry Allen though, was it? Pretty serious forecasting in that they were apparently referencing things that won't happen way down the road in other movies.

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