Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Yep, it's getting killed pretty soundly here. :lol

I figured. :lol


:lol :lol
That would be the best PS job I've seen. Wish he'd looked like that.
Cheers. :duff


Yeah he definitely looks hella creepier with the whispy hair.
Remembering this - "Look at this. We could have built a new Krypton in this squalor, but you chose the humans over us. I exist only to protect Krypton. That is the sole purpose for which I was born. And every action I take, no matter how violent or how cruel, is for the greater good of my people. And now... I have no people. My soul, that is what you have taken from me!" - makes me wish Doomsday acted out of rage but still intelligently by regaining Zod's memories. I really didn't like that he was just a speechless beast.
Cheers. :duff


Remembering this - "Look at this. We could have built a new Krypton in this squalor, but you chose the humans over us. I exist only to protect Krypton. That is the sole purpose for which I was born. And every action I take, no matter how violent or how cruel, is for the greater good of my people. And now... I have no people. My soul, that is what you have taken from me!" - makes me wish Doomsday acted out of rage but still intelligently by regaining Zod's memories. I really didn't like that he was just a speechless beast.

that's what the Red letter media review was saying, that Zod should be in there and it would create something more interesting

But Superman already fought zod and that was already covered so maybe the writers felt it was rehashing the end of MOS all over again.
but I wouldn't care if it was rehashing the MOS ending, it would have been cool
I'm just shocked because I figured he was a paid off cheerleader for WB.

Well, he wasn't invited to the Premiere a couple of weeks ago. Hrmm... Maybe that bridge was somehow already burned?

(That's all right, I drank enough for his fat ass at the After Party :lol )
He called himself a press whore and a sellout.
If that couln't stop people from carin' then I don't know what can. :lol

The only thing we CAN do - PHOTOSHOP THE BASTARD!


That looks pretty damn awesome, and just like the comic version.

If I actually gave a damn about Doomsday as a character I'd be pissed now, too. :lol
I posted one of his videos the other day. This has to be one of the biggest comic book fanboys I've ever seen. Criticize anything DC related, you're a traitor/marvelite/nolanite etc. :rotfl

I think most of the comments must be him under different accounts as well. :lol
Superman already fought zod and that was already covered so maybe the writers felt it was rehashing the end of MOS all over again.
It could be great to see Zod gettin' his revenge only to realise that he's not Zod anymore and his behavior isn't controled by Kryptonian genetic program. Confused, he'd then flee from Earth to find purpose and could be brough back in any of MoS sequels.

But NOPE, we can't have a superhero film without a dead villain.
They killed Zod only to kinda "resurrect" him in this film only to kill him again... Gah.
Yeah there's no way they can leave Superman out of the marketing for the JL movie.

I was being facetious for the most part though. They already "spoiled" his return with the floating dirt (even though everyone over the age of 10 would have known he was coming back anyway) but now I'm guessing that the first teaser for JL will be kind of a "gathering of heroes" montage like we saw with Suicide Squad and then will probably close with Supes bursting out of his tomb or something to that effect.

Actually Darkseid will probably be about to obliterate the team and then the trailer will spoil that Superman shows up and blocks the blast. :monkey1
Of course critics and fans don't "count." Why would they? They give a collective backdrop to our opinions, nothing more. Doesn't matter if they're for or against a movie. I mean 92% of critics supposedly liked TFA. That's great. I agree with them. But if for whatever reason they change their minds and all come out and say, "meh, we got caught up in the hype and we say it sucks now" then will I change my mind? Hell no.

Kevin Smith is just some dude. Did he invent the characters? No? James Cameron made The Terminator though. And George Lucas made Star Wars. Does that mean that we need to recognize that Genisys is a straight 10 or that TFA is a lame retro movie? That would be a no. :lol

I don't give a rip what was going on with critics regarding BvS. Did they get paid off? Who cares. Did they have an agenda against Snyder? Who cares. Are they a bunch of mob mentality lemmings? Probably, but who cares. Do I agree with them or the director of Jersey Girl? Nope. And that's all that matters to me.

Yeah, well, the whole thread post-release has been an endless cycle of conspiracy theories and that the fans love it. But, as it seems, it's not the truth. The audience gave the film the same score as Catwoman and Green Lantern. The audience score in both IMDB and RT keeps dropping. Kevin Smith, the go-to WB cheerleader didn't like it. All I'm saying is that maybe folks should stop with the whole "critics are lemmings and the audience has spoken" argument and just say "I like it, what's the big deal?".

I saw it again yesterday, and it actually got worse. I'd rate it a 4-4.5/10 now. I don't expect anyone to agree, it's my opinion. Everyone else is free to love it, that's cool. It's all personal. But, when the fan-scores at RT and IMDB are lower than AoU, Ant-Man and the like, I don't see how folks can keep going with their conspiracy theories. Unless, of course, the fan-scores are also skewed, and the real audience loves BvS. Again, everyone and anyone is free to like/dislike/love/hate/whatever any movie, but it's time, IMO, the whole "the ones who matter loved it", thing ended. Because, at this point, the ones who "matter" vary by the day...
Maybe part of the problem is we do put Batman and Superman on such a pedestal, we hold their movies to a higher standard and when they don't meet those standards they seem 'worse' than a film like Ant Man, about which fewer ***ks are given up front.
Yeah, well, the whole thread post-release has been an endless cycle of conspiracy theories and that the fans love it. But, as it seems, it's not the truth. The audience gave the film the same score as Catwoman and Green Lantern. The audience score in both IMDB and RT keeps dropping. Kevin Smith, the go-to WB cheerleader didn't like it. All I'm saying is that maybe folks should stop with the whole "critics are lemmings and the audience has spoken" argument and just say "I like it, what's the big deal?".

I saw it again yesterday, and it actually got worse. I'd rate it a 4-4.5/10 now. I don't expect anyone to agree, it's my opinion. Everyone else is free to love it, that's cool. It's all personal. But, when the fan-scores at RT and IMDB are lower than AoU, Ant-Man and the like, I don't see how folks can keep going with their conspiracy theories. Unless, of course, the fan-scores are also skewed, and the real audience loves BvS. Again, everyone and anyone is free to like/dislike/love/hate/whatever any movie, but it's time, IMO, the whole "the ones who matter loved it", thing ended. Because, at this point, the ones who "matter" vary by the day...

Kind of agree but I'm mostly here for the lolz. My rating after my first viewing was 2 out of a possible 5 goats. But I've been softening up on it now that I understand the bat-visions and I'm really doing a 180 on the murder-batman aspect. If you're gonna make Batman a killer I think this is the smartest I've seen it done. I'll def see it again.

But the conspiracy theories about e a riot. :lol
Yeah, well, the whole thread post-release has been an endless cycle of conspiracy theories and that the fans love it. But, as it seems, it's not the truth. The audience gave the film the same score as Catwoman and Green Lantern.

Those Cinemascore comparisons don't mean anything. Unless you want to tell me that The Revenant (B+) "got the same score as" Spider-Man 3 (which it did, also B+). Those are scores only given on opening day when emotions and anticipation is running high. I believe rottentomatoes audience ratings are more spread out and a better measure of the consensus (72% in the case of BvS.) But again, so what.
Maybe part of the problem is we do put Batman and Superman on such a pedestal, we hold their movies to a higher standard and when they don't meet those standards they seem 'worse' than a film like Ant Man, about which fewer ***ks are given up front.

I simply would've enjoyed a Superman who loves life and a non-serial killer Batman.
It could be great to see Zod gettin' his revenge only to realise that he's not Zod anymore and his behavior isn't controled by Kryptonian genetic program. Confused, he'd then flee from Earth to find purpose and could be brough back in any of MoS sequels.

thats deep..... I dont know if that was done in the comics but that's really deep. damn.... that would have been cool because he could have killed superman but just escape and it would have been the same ending. there would be no need for superman to murder all over again and they could bring him back with all the spikes too