I think I have seen this before...
View attachment 266388
View attachment 266389
overall looks great, the sculpt is what keeps it away from a perfect figure...
Seeing as I have the ESB SS Yoda I was thinking of buying this and using the closed eyes sculpt on the SS body...
Sent from the Death Star communication division.
That's a great idea. I was going to put my Sideshow Yoda on eBay this weekend, but I may hold off and do some parts swapping. The only drawback about the Sideshow Yoda as a base is that the body was a little flimsy, if I recall correctly.
I'm scratching my head over what to think of this release. Yoda looks great... but he could also look better. What I mean is, the sculpt doesn't quite capture his sparky personality. On the other hand, there are times when he looks solemn and thoughtful like the HS. So we are getting a great Yoda, I just wish there was a little more of his character in it, as this is likely the greatest Yoda we'll ever see this side of 2026.
I'd like to see them make him less jowelly as a quick fix; and going forward I'd like to see HT question how they sculpt things, there's something very conservative about the expressions they choose. The Mao comparison is right in lots of ways (I know it was meant as a joke) but that picture is meant to represent idealised, heroic wisdom... and that's kind of how they've sculpted Yoda. The more I collect HT the more my eye is drawn to the DX07 battle damaged sculpt, nice to see a HT sculpt that doesn't look like some kind of Communist portrait.
But yeah, still buying this and it looks great as far as it goes.
...But I've had to get used to this reality that the majority of their SW line is going to be very nice quality figures but likenesses a little off. I guess it was silly to expect even a company as good as HT to totally nail the likeness, but they have accumulated this mythic status in many minds, and are capable of creepy realism with sculpt/apps/eyes and likenesses that do indeed look very much like a shrunken down real person.
Looking at their Marvel line it does not seem that surprising that the SW figures turned out the way they did. Some Marvel likenesses seem really good, but others seem off even after a couple of renditions. It's just too easy to notice the amazing ones for properties that you could care less about or maybe like but wouldn't drop that type of $$ on. Alfred is really nice, Mandarin, Rudd sculpt on the Ant-Man version of Ant-Man, and there are a number of others. But it's certainly not all of them.Yeah, I think the issue for me with Hot Toys getting SW is that I was kind of assuming these would all be totally nailed likeness-wise, like "OMG, it's a shrunken down, living Harrison Ford!" - just because, you know, it's HT.
But I've had to get used to this reality that the majority of their SW line is going to be very nice quality figures but likenesses a little off. I guess it was silly to expect even a company as good as HT to totally nail the likeness...