I wonder why they went to the trouble of giving PP super powers just to ignore it altogether.
.......I give up. PP?
I wonder why they went to the trouble of giving PP super powers just to ignore it altogether.
The audience in my theater got so sick of the pedestrian "final battle" that they all started chanting "CIVIL WAR...CIVIL WAR!" They weren't MCU fanboys either, in fact every single one of them were wearing X-Men t-shirts and costumes. It reminded me of when the Russians all started chanting Rocky's name.
In seriousness Jean stepping through the doors to save Xavier was probably the most badass moment in the entire series. I dug it.
A. Peter Pan
B. Pontius Pilate
C. Pepper Potts
A. Peter Pan
B. Pontius Pilate
C. Pepper Potts
With the Infinity Gauntlet anything is possible, so even if Thanos kills everyone, they can be brought back using the IG. I still have no idea how Thanos is going to fit in in these films. I can't picture him on earth fighting the Avengers, but I also can't picture the Avengers in space either. How do they even fight someone like Thanos? I better not see Black Widow and Hackeye somehow fighting against Thanos. They better hide like Batman did against DD.
Hawkeye's hand to hand with Vision didn't work out so well for Hawkeye.
Same for Widow v Winter Soldier.
Russo's know what they're doing.
For me, tone is a "it depends" kind of thing. For some stories and characters/comics, it makes sense. X-Men (my favorite all time comic book and team) was frequently, even usually dark. Even in '63, it was pretty dark, in that they were proxies for minorities in U.S. society who were looked down on by everyone else. Humans always hated and feared them, death was usually lurking around the corner, they wouldn't have time to celebrate wins, their main bad guy was more of a gray character than most villains, etc. Batman is in a similar boat.I truly can't take any of the anti-Marvel/pro-Fox or WB arguments when the movies from those other studios are doing everything Marvel is criticized for even worse. Aside from The DARK TONE. Which is apparently important to some people.
Yep, Rumlow got the best of Sam Wilson in TWS and made short work of Widow in CW. But then Scarlet Witch showed up and ended him. They're good about respecting power levels especially with regard to the Golden Rule that "Cap beats everyone with his bare hands." I would have been disappointed if Ultron or Spidey lasted more than a few rounds against him.![]()
Given how effective Black Widow has been in the films thus far, I thought it was a bit unbelievable that she couldn't better stand up to Crossbones. But it worked for the story. I know Crossbones made mention of his obtaining more power. Did they explain what that was about? He did seem super powered to me.
For me, tone is a "it depends" kind of thing. For some stories and characters/comics, it makes sense. X-Men (my favorite all time comic book and team) was frequently, even usually dark. Even in '63, it was pretty dark, in that they were proxies for minorities in U.S. society who were looked down on by everyone else. Humans always hated and feared them, death was usually lurking around the corner, they wouldn't have time to celebrate wins, their main bad guy was more of a gray character than most villains, etc. Batman is in a similar boat.
With the Fantastic Four, Superman, and Avengers, for the most part, that vibe doesn't work so well. It doesn't even work for Spidey, even though he's often in dour situations. Because of his attitude. He goes through ****, but his movies should almost always end on a genuinely optimistic note.
Given how effective Black Widow has been in the films thus far, I thought it was a bit unbelievable that she couldn't better stand up to Crossbones. But it worked for the story. I know Crossbones made mention of his obtaining more power. Did they explain what that was about? He did seem super powered to me.
I didn't mean to infer X-Men is overly dark. If anything, I think they could have gone much farther in portraying Apoc as a villain to be feared. I know everyone is complaining about Magneto killing bazillions of people but none of that registered as real to me since it was just swirling CGI garbage and that one bridge that never quite fell down.
I was mainly thinking about BvS and the folks who embrace Supermanic Depression.