Is it smarter to hold out for a legendary version?
What the hell are you?
Is it smarter to hold out for a legendary version?
I am.
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I'll be holding out for XM Studios, or CoolProps. A pass for me. Great pose, that's about it. Face and biomask are off; to the point where you don't get that sense of character. The movie's biomask design is really aesthetic, pleases from all angles. This thing...ugh. Flat. Visors too angular, too long, not set in the mask deep enough. Set too low on the head. Mandibles - too small. Crown not flat enough. Eyes..not enough brow, too beady. Head too narrow. I could go on. What a joke.
i've counted 12 PO on Fana-collec (french forum) including me
Interestingly – hardly any changes in the stats over the last 2 weeks (2 more confirmed preorders & 3 more confirmed not getting it).
Doesn’t look like this is shifting that well for them.
Myn will be in the category of will order him november/december 2017 when I got my other statues paid for, searched long for the dutch PF, so yeah there is a spot next to dutch for the JH, classic legendary companion pieces. Been a dream to own a predator statue, let alone the Jungle Hunter. Im glad not many have shifted yet, don't fancy paying for this guy all year when got other statues to get in 2017
I'm in the same boat, have around 4 stratus on pre order. Glad this is not shifting so quick. Will get around to it eventually. Just not in a hurry