Hey maybe then I'll finally get a Cassian figure.
Mike, its been a long time since you had a fine-ass brunette in your sig. Good choice on Helga.
Hey maybe then I'll finally get a Cassian figure.
$229 seems to be the new lower end price point. So I'm guess $229 for The Emperor and $299 for the Throne/Emperor combo which if done similar to the R2 unit coming will probably have sound and lights.
probable 499.99 with a card board throne
If he comes with Force lightning attachments, I would love to see two sculpts as well, one with this expression:
"Now, young Skywalker. You will die."
View attachment 352946
Will it happen? Very much doubt it. Straight faced is probably the only expression this will have.
Force lighting is a must. And if that is a must have, they would have to do 2 sculpts ....because a calm sculpt with FL is stupid and ONLY a snarling sculpt would be silly.
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In my opinion Hot Toys have been reasonable on pricing for pretty much all the Star Wars line. The only figures that have been a tad overpriced are Boba Fett and Darth Vader. Chewbacca was pricey but was also a pretty unique figure and a pretty impressive one to have made with rooted hair. The other figures in the line have all been about what you'd expect from Hot Toys in terms of pricing.Emperor comes with literally nothing though -- cane and maybe lightning bolts. Like Leia and Snowtrooper, he can't be more than $209.99.
I really hope the Emperor/Chair two-pack is not more than $259.99.
Whatever it is will set the price for the DS Trooper + control panel.
Wishful thinking on Emperor and Throne pricing..I'd think more in the Nolan Batman packs...Batman / Armory ... Robin / Bat Signal etc.
What was that pricing? Armory was huge and had tons of loose stuff.
Wishful thinking on Emperor and Throne pricing..I'd think more in the Nolan Batman packs...Batman / Armory ... Robin / Bat Signal etc.
I bet not that high. The armory is a lot bigger plus it's filled with accessories and has light up features. Plus at minimum that came with a Batman figure inside the armory which is more involved of a figure than the Emperor would be (there was also the set with Alfred plus the armory and Batman and one with Alfred, Bruce, and the armory with Batman).I never bought either set so I don't know exactly $300 - $400?. Robin was plain Jane figure with bat signal much like Emperor.....