Broke and happy
He also put a Murderbot into a sleeper hold...he somehow cut off a robots air supply
Oh man lol
That was exquisite.

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He also put a Murderbot into a sleeper hold...he somehow cut off a robots air supply
I miss Nolan and Bale.
I miss.......the McRib.
Never ate one
you didnt miss much.. they taste like **** anyway...Never understood the McRib craze to begin with..
What is this 2015? It feels very weird to be defending AOU today, lol. I'm pretty much over that movie too (but at least it's more watchable than the first one.)
I hacked into your computer and found these. You want them all for yourself.
I hacked into your computer and found these. You want them all for yourself.
Time to bring out the hammer
who needs a hammer when you can shoot lightning bolts from your ass
Yes the "what was that/I didn't here you" and "language" lines were lame but his costume, moving Mjolnir, fighting Ultron by himself, etc., all made up for it. What is this 2015? It feels very weird to be defending AOU today, lol. I'm pretty much over that movie too (but at least it's more watchable than the first one.)