Disney buys Fox and WB. Disney is absolute.
Disney then buys Japan as a way to get Sony.
Disney then buys Japan as a way to get Sony.
You know Homecoming actually went a long way toward helping me accept that laughable Cap suit, lol.
From the pros, saying that Affleck didn’t look in best shape.
Was it because he stopped training before he got called back for re shoot, or is his life style of drinking not helping?
hey dont make fun of that.... thats my thanksgiving
I did notice his stomach poking out a bit in the movie
Still looks like he can kick Keaton, Kilmer, and Clooney's *****.![]()
He can't beat Bale?![]()
To be fair, the top bodybuilders today have a bubble gut.![]()
If Disney buys WB then what do you think would be the first Marvel vs DC mashup we'd get?
I concede that for Bale he'd probably have to put down the drink first.
I thought Affleck in BVS had a very bubble gut look. But then again he is suppose to have the old Batman Frank Miller look?
Hmm interesting. I gave away my Avengers blu-ray years ago so it actually is just a movie I think back on unfavorably without revisiting. Sometimes if its on TV while channel surfing I'll switch to it, see the crappy sitcom quality photography and go "bah" and change the channel.
So I suppose it's possible that if I were to watch it from beginning to end that I'd be able to appreciate it more but honestly I just don't feel the need. There are too many other films I love that don't annoy me in the ways that Avengers does.
That's why I really miss the days of Siskel & Ebert. Siskel was like a majority of the people here and on RT "the narrative was uneven so I give thumbs down, boo!" While Ebert was more like me "the narrative was a mess but the movie was still entertaining, thumbs up!" Ebert loved Escape from LA by the way.![]()
I do understand why a lot of DC and DCEU fans would hate Justice League though. It's all because of "what could have been." I think if Zack and company said from Day 1 "look we're going to try for something different, we want to make a living cartoon" then people would have been braced for that and could have had an easier time embracing that. But to be 80% done making "Justice League - Two Part Fury Road Knightmare Edition" and THEN switch to the living cartoon royally pissed off legions of fans who were chomping at the bit to see the other movie.
We'll see how it's received years from now when the dust settles. I remember being so disgusted with ROTJ and Alien 3 for a time when I thought about "what could have been." But eventually I just accepted that those films were the products of a million different factors and that they just were what they were and I can now appreciate them for the positive aspects that they do contain (moreso ROTJ than A3 obviously.)
When I watched JL I literally just determined that I was watching a soft reboot and really didn't concern myself with all those things we joke about here (no rising dirt, Knightmare battle, Flash going back in time, etc.) I see JL as basically another Batman Forever. It loosely references previous films (same actors playing Alfred and Gordon, Kidman references Catwoman's outfit) but otherwise retells Bruce's origin and basically feels like a completely different universe. I consider JL to be more of a mess than BF (since at least BF knew what it wanted to be from the very beginnig) but at the same time I think that JL is still vastly more entertaining even in spite of its glaring flaws.
Trash and JAWS I am in need of emergency care.