He flew a T-16 skyhopper. He mentions it in the film and you can see it parked in the background. Rey has never flown a single thing in her life yet on her first go seems to be an ace pilot.
No one spoke directly with Chewie. Han seemed to be the only one who could understand him in the first movie.
Luke still had weeks of training with Yoda on Dagobah (which we saw) and months spent practicing those skills on Tattoine. Rey has nothing, nada, zilch. We can't even say that she has been practicing because TLJ takes place immediately after TFA. She just had the force one day because believing in yourself is all it takes.

In the first moment I saw Rey talking to CHewy, I was like... when did she learn to speak Wookiee? And true - in the OT, nobody but Han appears to speak Wookiee (though it has that weird movie thing where Han speaks English, Chewy responds in Wookiee, to which Han responds in English

And yeah, Luke's training with Yoda in ESB I always assumed was a couple of weeks. There's even a number of fairly significant training scenes that were shot but cut (acrobatics and the metal bars slicing exercise) which may have made it feel like he trains even longer.
The ROTJ cut scenes of Luke communing with Vader via the force and completing assembly of his new lightsaber (shown at Celebration) would have pretty clearly have set up Luke with an elevated set of abilities at the start of ROTJ, and also the passage of months since the events of ESB.
Yoda states that the act of Luke facing Vader in ROTJ will complete his transition to becoming a Jedi - it's in that same speech that Yoda confirms to Luke that Vader is his father. Vader's abilities aside, that complex father/son aspect to the confrontation introduces an emotional/fate wildcard that makes it a once-in-a-lifetime encounter that would obviously have a profound affect on Luke's force abilities grow versus if Vader was not related to him.
It's one of the problems with TLJ beginning in the same instant TFA ends - there's no wiggle room to explain Rey's abilities. And I really get no emotional or mythic pull to her journey - other than maybe a drifter looking to connect to family in some way, even with all the "lightsaber calling her" type things they toss in.