I misread you. For some reason I interpreted your remark as meaning you had only purchased 12 full figures, meaning the other 68 or so you put together with parts. Since I know you do lots of customizing I thought that was crazy but maybe possible.
Good work on the discounts though. After my first ignorant purchase I’ve probably always used the $20 coupon at least, and then I’ve stumbled upon great deals at times — $200 shipped for the ANH Stormtrooper set was probably the best score. When I come across some stupid deal I often bite if I had some passing interest in the figure. Gives me a chance to check out a figure I might otherwise only enjoy through pics since I don’t have a local store. Was able to get the Batman Returns two pack for the price of the single Batman figure. Turned out it wasn’t for me but was awesome to check out a figure like that and it was easy to make my money back.
In general I find that if I can really wait out a figure I probably am not that excited about it. I tried waiting out on TFA Han and he ended up selling out at SS sooner than most. I think that figure was when they started the smaller runs.