This force projection conversation is the funniest and saddest I've seen since midichlorians.
Yes it is.
SW has always given us morsels to ponder and blanks to fill in ourselves. Like the bounty hunter on Ord Mandell. Was it Fett? Bossk? Someone not in the movie? Everyone gets to decide for themselves.
in the final act it's very easy to see why Luke would have chosen Force projection.
This force projection conversation is the funniest and saddest I've seen since midichlorians.
Meaningful character arcs... logical decisions... making unlikeable characters slightly less chafing...
Submit your application to the writing team. They clearly need you![]()
It would've been pretty sweet if at the very last moment that Finn was going to ram the mini Death Star battering ram thingie, Luke's X-Wing swoops in and shoots torpedoes right dead center and blows up the whole thing along with a few of the AT-AT's being blown over by the blast. Then, Finn's attempted sacrifice wouldn't feel so pointless and Rose would look a lot better because she wouldn't have to make the decision to irrationally crash into Finn's go-cart thing while dooming everybody in the base because she thinks Finn's a dummy. Finn's Mario Cart could spin out after Luke's ambush and Rose would then come to save Finn and give him a little kiss before she drives them back to the base while dodging some laser blasts. I don't think people would judge her as harshly if something like that happened instead of that weird move she made during that scene.
I also think it would've felt right if Rey left R2-D2 with Luke and Leia pulled the sacrifice move instead of Holdo. Then you could have Luke start to return to his senses through his interactions with R2 and then finally deciding to come back to the fight after having a Force moment like Empire with Leia right before she pulls the hyperspace move.
With Luke back, you could build on Rey's character development by perhaps slowly turning the overused master-apprentice dynamic in Star Wars around and creating a father-daughter type relationship between those two characters. If anything is clear to me in this new trilogy, it's that Rey wants a family and parents that love her. Being sold by parents that didn't care about her at all can be built upon and add depth and humanity to her character, but it feels like a missed opportunity to not explore how that experience could leave her with a weakness and something missing in her life that the audience can relate to. Perhaps Luke and Rey could both strengthen each other while also rebuilding the Jedi Order with stronger more meaningful values that aren't based on the arbitrary, meaningless rules like the ones Luke criticized on Ahch-To and led to the fall of the Jedi in the prequels. Then, you would be able to give the credit for rebuilding the new Jedi to both the old generation of fans in Luke and the new ones that will carry the torch of Star Wars in Rey.
Those are just some of my ideas. Maybe a little too mushy, Heidi meets The Last of Us meets Star Wars, but I enjoyed thinking it up for fun.
Risking your life is risking your life. Attempting to arrive in person would have helped no one if:
1. He didn't get there in time
2. He was blown away by the AT-AT's
The movie didn't even suggest that he actually owned a real lightsaber anymore.
What would be the point of any of those force projections?
Aww. thanks! No, I'm just a big dummy like Finn. Pay me no mind.
Ugh... I still have nightmares.This force projection conversation is the funniest and saddest I've seen since midichlorians.
Ugh... I still have nightmares.
Anyway, linking minds is akin to them peering at each other through a window in space. They weren’t nigh physical manifestations, as Luke appaeared to be. He used a far advanced technique that can project both living beings and inanimate objects, with limited palpable interaction.
Both take a strong measure of knowledge and skill in the Force. It’s kind of ironic that the first wielders of each of these gifts (on film) died within the same span of time.
What's hilarious, is that in TLJ Luke either knew that there was an escape path for the Rebels and didn't tell them, or he force projected for no apparent reason whatsoever. Did he know the rebels could escape, or didn't he? Aside from subterfuge, what other function did Luke's force projection have? Taunting?It was a dumb plot device. Why couldn't Luke just Force-Skype Leia and say, "There's an escape route in the back. You're welcome." He gave his life for what amounted to a Jedi prank.
plot twist....
what luke did in the end pretty much sums up the immaculate conception.
jesus is a skywalker.
Luckily Poe worked it out. But being a mere male, there was every chance he wouldn't!