Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Who was just arguing the other day that there's really no "agenda" and we're just making it up?

I've been attacked here for repeating what George himself has said about lightsaber colors and their meaning.

He said there were only four colors. Good guys get blue or green, bad guys get red. And Samuel Jackson gets purple as a special favor to Samuel Jackson.

Samuel Jackson is even in dozens of behind the scenes videos proudly explaining how cool it is that he has a purple lightsaber, and he's the ONLY one with a purple lightsaber. That was special. It meant something. It was personal.

Well...look at the new poster.

Look who's sporting a purple saber.

Hedland's wife.

It's like a message to George and Jackson that no, you're NOT special. The patriarchy is OVER. It's WOMEN'S turn now, so bend over!!

Also, her wife is playing some kind of gross lizard person. Obviously a hint as to the true nature of the people in charge....the Reptilians. Hedland used to be Harvey Wienstein's right hand man....she's seen the rich and powerful up close. Surely she witnessed some shape-shifters in person. Maybe she's a Reptilian shape-shifter herself??

Don't you see??? Can't you see how it's all connected and it all leads back to Reptilians???

Everyone loved the OT on their release even though the movies didn’t have every human culture squeezed into the movies because we cared about the stories being told and we were not distracted by the “hey look here we are representing hardcore” message!
First of all, I agree with you that Disney's placing more importance on trending demographics and buzzwords than on good writing and creativity.

But the above paragraph ignores the context; we're talking about the years 1977-1983 -- Hollywood and the social milieu it was feeding were very different. I wouldn't expect anyone to raise an eyebrow back then, but whether we like it or not, whether we agree or not, are comfortable or not, the world has changed.

I don't know where it's all going to land and won't write a socio-political essay in a Star Wars (lol) thread, but this is the reality of 2024.
From a month ago:
How you know this is crap.
"I kind of wondered, but what happened to lead up to [ The Phantom Menace ]? That’s kind of where my ‘Star Wars’ fan brain went was like, ‘How did we get here?’ And why are the Jedi like this? When they are in power, why are they acting this way"
- Leslye Headland
Except the Jedi weren't in power (their whole role was to avoid it)
So now they've written a show to "explain" and reinforce their own misconception.
And there it is, from the trailer:
the Jedi justify their galactic dominance.....
The Jedi were not in power, their purpose was to avoid it, in fact reject it.
This is some revisionist garbage.
So they can tell their little story, likely make SW about how the Jedi(now read as straight white(ish) males) keeping alternative life partners from kissing, led to their downfall.
While the brave and stunning LGB-PoC priestesses, were the right ones all along.:wink1:
(a "message" which will be delivered with a subtlety of a flag waving hammer). :lol
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New fem Jedi sect, from the House of La Je'dye
I hate you, that song will be stuck in my head now... ;)

Also, her wife is playing some kind of gross lizard person. Obviously a hint as to the true nature of the people in charge....the Reptilians. Hedland used to be Harvey Wienstein's right hand man....she's seen the rich and powerful up close. Surely she witnessed some shape-shifters in person. Maybe she's a Reptilian shape-shifter herself??

Disney must be out of ideas; kissing a lizard shape-shifter must be a thing like SLJ in Secret Invasion. Maybe one of the writers is a Furry.
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