Star Wars: The Acolyte

Collector Freaks Forum

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I've never heard this phrase before.
****, I hate coming on here and feeling like the thought police.

One time, my friends wife let us all know that she was a proud feminist and I rolled my eyes and went to get another beer. I come on here and my hair turns blue.

I think I'm done. No more movie forums for me if I can help it. Hell, HT hardly ever make figures I want anymore. I might as well not bother at all.

Peace out!
I think it’s more complicated than that. People who want to discuss the show and not politics aren’t going to spend a lot of time redirecting the conversation. They are going to click that little x and carry on. This means what’s left are people want to discuss those elements creating a skewed perspective on what people actually want to discuss.

We are a community and we need to seek a balance. I also think that you can't stop the will of a community. If there is something it WANTS to do, then it will happen. Community is a powerful thing.

So, right now we are looking for solutions that allow those who wish to discuss the political elements of these shows and those that don't. I think the best way of doing that is going to be creating a thread outside of the major forums that allows that to happen. I have no objection to respectful discussion of most any topic.

I think that would be a reasonable compromise for everyone. The mods and I are hammering out the details so that everyone will be informed, and on the same page when we do it.

There is literally only one way to "fix" it - a blanket ban on all things political.

I will take ownership of my own actions and admit I've engaged in these conversations. But when I have, I haven't done it because I want to, it's been out of sheer frustration because I'm sick of hearing about it, so I try to offer some logical observations to try to explain a different point of view. But it's pointless. Words can be misread and misinterpreted.

It's not like when you're standing in front of someone and you can read their body language, hear their voices for inflections and meaning, etc - so things can spiral quickly as people try to "defend" their opinion.

Sadly, there's not a single thread that isn't riddled with these joyless, circular, conversations.

There's always an issue. Someone is always offended or pissed off.

The reality is with all human beings, the minute you put two people in a room you will have differing opinions.

Ban it all, then there's no issue.

The conversations can then only revolve around the merit, creditability, or craft of the show - based on that person's perspective.

If someone likes it, they like it. If they don't, then they don't - and they shouldn't get labelled something for it, one way or the other.
Remember, this forum was purchased solely for the purpose of making money.

It's a catch-22 because Dave neglected it for a long time, to the point where even the search function didn't work.

The forum rules are largely Dave's old rules, but with some post-Sideshow era amendments to open up areas for traffic that Dave was compelled to close down. (e.g., third party discussion).

Some rules, such as those forbidding hate speech, should always stand.

Then it comes down to how many users would rather ignore the rule banning all socio-political commentary, versus those who'd rather keep it. Which view has the greater impact on traffic?

E. Controversial Topics (Religion, Sociopolitical, and Politics). Because they are so detrimental to the cohesion of any community, we do not allow the discussion of political/religious views, religious/political figures, or social issues that will inevitably draw members into a heated debate (e.g Evolution/Creationism or the politics behind gun control, abortion, etc). It is unrealistic to believe that a religious or political viewpoint won’t work its way onto the site in some fashion (e.g mentioning you will pray for a sick member). It is important to remember that the purpose of this policy is not to limit your ability to express your beliefs but to limit the division often caused by discussing/debating differing points of view regarding these subjects.

The suggested idea of two threads for The Acolyte is a means to please both sides while maintaining traffic.

It would be like have a spoiler and a non-spoiler thread for a series.

Essentially, this forum is a holdout from former days. In certain areas Facebook (ugh!) is a far more open environment for frank discussion, but more censored in others which, for example, would affect WWII figure discussion and imagery.

(The historical section of this forum is pretty dead anyway, and hardly worth the effort of creating figure threads with 40-50 promo images).
That's the problem with language. "Its just jokes" can be a bit of a cop out and a way of downplaying speech that sails very close to the edge of being hateful, or at the very least disrespectful.

'Alphabet people' has been used several times and is still on here and while hardly the N word, it's clearly got its feet firmly planted in the 'I have no respect for that whole community'camp.
And the jokes usually land on the same groups by massive coincidence I am sure....
Remember, this forum was purchased solely for the purpose of making money.

It's a catch-22 because Dave neglected it for a long time, to the point where even the search function didn't work.

The forum rules are largely Dave's old rules, but with some post-Sideshow era amendments to open up areas for traffic that Dave was compelled to close down. (e.g., third party discussion).

Some rules, such as those forbidding hate speech, should always stand.

Then it comes down to how many users would rather ignore the rule banning all socio-political commentary, versus those who'd rather keep it. Which view has the greater impact on traffic?

The suggested idea of two threads for The Acolyte is a means to please both sides while maintaining traffic.

It would be like have a spoiler and a non-spoiler thread for a series.

Essentially, this forum is a holdout from former days. In certain areas Facebook (ugh!) is a far more open environment for frank discussion, but more censored in others which, for example, would affect WWII figure discussion and imagery.

(The historical section of this forum is pretty dead anyway, and hardly worth the effort of creating figure threads with 40-50 promo images).
lol dark lord Dave just kinda dipped out and darth snoopy shows up every once in a while. Crazy how this use to be an official sideshow collectibles site
LOL so hate speech thread in addition to the regular one?


Fujita suggested a second Acolyte thread where socio-political discussion would be permitted.

No suggestion of a "hate speech thread". There's no place for that anywhere.

Personally I think the show is predominantly bland so far.

There is also an overt emphasis on politics which is overshadowing 'Star Wars'. As someone wrote earlier, there is more emphasis on real world politics than on Star Wars lore.

You could ignore Lucas' anti-Vietnam War allegory, because you wouldn't necessarily know that's what it was. You can't ignore the politics of Star Wars now (unless you put blinkers on) because the creators want everyone to know what the story represents.

I class it as the hijack of an established property for other means. I don't argue it shouldn't be there, but it could be done better and with more subtlety, as opposed to the sledgehammer approach.
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Guys chill! Let’s not make this a TLJ thing lol.

Yes it’s good to tell story’s about characters of different races in backgrounds and yes there is a group who doesn’t want to see that at all and think that it should strictly be white male dominated and very bigoted

But there is also a lot of pandering and not telling a good story and marking off check points instead of just telling a good compelling story. They want outrage more than they want people to love it and they think putting a gay black person in there story will suddenly end racism and homophobia. They are not sincere about thete intentions they just want a pat on the back. And it feels very eh
Look at the Velma series.
A show that tried to “fix” a beloved franchise but was cut down by everyone they tried to cater to.
Also I think dividing a fanbase is silly.
Yes it’s good to tell story’s about characters of different races in backgrounds and yes there is a group who doesn’t want to see that at all and think that it should strictly be white male dominated and very bigoted
while I get your drift, this statement in my view is useless because that describes such a tiny minority that they are almost non-existent relatively speaking. However, by including them in any statement essentially inflates their presence and creates the false impression that a much larger chunk of the fanbase is made of such people. It will also incite backlash from those sick of falsely being accused of being bigots whenever they critique poor quality media. It would be equivalent of saying there is a group that wants to "transformer" kids, eradicate H-whites in camps and institute socialism. I mean, there are such people with such views out there who are Star Wars fans, so if we are mentioning one tiny group of bigots why not the other tiny group of bigots?

I think the main groups are actually those love the show, what Disney is doing and enjoy the socio political messaging vs those who think the show is bad, dislike Disney pandering and do not enjoy current day socio political messages being unnaturally shoved into their escapist entertainment. the former does also seem to hate the latter as the views of the latter risk invalidating the the enjoyment of the former, at least in their minds. Neither side needs to be labelled bigots even though a tiny amount will exist on both. Just accept the best kind of diversity, diversity of thought.
View attachment 707127

The Rotten Tomatoes rating is almost back down to where it was the other day, before it suspiciously jumped up to 32%:

View attachment 707128

Wonder if the score will continue to drop or increase as the show progresses...

Normally, early episodes of bad shows get low scores but the show progress the only people watching are people who like it so scores gradually climb. they only continue to drop when even the fans get annoyed by terrible writing. Sames goes for shows on the season scale. Early seasons get mixed reviews, late seasons get high ratings as only people watching are die hards. Unless you get a GOT season 8 situation where the end season is so bad almost no one likes it.
Wonder if the score will continue to drop or increase as the show progresses...

Normally, early episodes of bad shows get low scores but the show progress the only people watching are people who like it so scores gradually climb. they only continue to drop when even the fans get annoyed by terrible writing. Sames goes for shows on the season scale. Early seasons get mixed reviews, late seasons get high ratings as only people watching are die hards. Unless you get a GOT season 8 situation where the end season is so bad almost no one likes it.

The other day it was fluctuating between 26% and 27%, before the sudden jump to 32%. Since then it's been steadily declining, as it had been previously, and is currently fluctuating between 27% and 28%.

As long as Rotten Tomatoes don't meddle with the numbers, the trend is a downward one. But time will tell.

Episode 3 is meant to be interesting, for all the wrong reasons.
There is literally only one way to "fix" it - a blanket ban on all things political.

I will take ownership of my own actions and admit I've engaged in these conversations. But when I have, I haven't done it because I want to, it's been out of sheer frustration because I'm sick of hearing about it, so I try to offer some logical observations to try to explain a different point of view. But it's pointless. Words can be misread and misinterpreted.

It's not like when you're standing in front of someone and you can read their body language, hear their voices for inflections and meaning, etc - so things can spiral quickly as people try to "defend" their opinion.

Sadly, there's not a single thread that isn't riddled with these joyless, circular, conversations.

There's always an issue. Someone is always offended or pissed off.

The reality is with all human beings, the minute you put two people in a room you will have differing opinions.

Ban it all, then there's no issue.

The conversations can then only revolve around the merit, creditability, or craft of the show - based on that person's perspective.

If someone likes it, they like it. If they don't, then they don't - and they shouldn't get labelled something for it, one way or the other.

I feel that's a harsh way of looking at it.

We can allow political discussion and limit it to a political thread or forum. Of course there will be some attitudes that carry over, but people want cohesion. We seek it. Everyone here has done that within the collector umbrella. We're going to give it a shot. That seems like the best solution for now.

We get bogged down with the details and how to do it, but that's what we're after. Community. We just like to bicker.

All the same, no political anything in collector threads moving forward.
I would like to reopen this thread. If we are all game, please like this post confirming that we understand all politics go into the dark room and that this is a discussion about the merits of The Acolyte as a show. It's writing, its characters, it cinematography, whatever that isn't political.