1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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Also, looking at that kitchen diorama really has me hopeful that they’ll adopt a modular model for their figures and just keep adding with accessory packs. I feel like the free detonator and this are them testing the waters and I really hope enough people order to make them see the viability in giving people options, even if I’m not the biggest fan of the execution on this one. I would absolutely be down to rebuy my InArt figures if they offered new headsculpts and expressions, weapons and accessories to bolster the original release, rather than making people double dip.
An upgrade kit with a rooted grinning head, bazooka, hand holding a floppy Brian Douglas Batman mask, and a right-handed card holding hand would be awesome.
At this point, I don't think an accessory pack will do much good for the figure. You'll just end up with the same result and a bigger box of leftovers.

A 2.0 release would be more sensible, but I don't think it's the right move for them either.
Agonistes’ pose photos inspired me to change mine up slightly - specifically playing with the coat a little.



I know this has probably been posted somewhere in this thread, but can anyone give me a quick answer, are both head sculpts able to be used with both bodies?
e.g. smiling head with purple jacket body?
Joker took a shelf dive and a chunk of plastic broke off the right ankle. The foot pegs in but now the joint's loose as hell.

What's a good glue I can use to fix it? I've tried Tamiya Mr. Cement to no effect. Loctite hasn't worked either.

Get a crotch grabber people. Inart's magnetic bases don't work. Never trusted them, never will. Nothing wrong with an acrylic pole.
Joker took a shelf dive and a chunk of plastic broke off the right ankle. The foot pegs in but now the joint's loose as hell.

What's a good glue I can use to fix it? I've tried Tamiya Mr. Cement to no effect. Loctite hasn't worked either.

Happened to me while I was undressing one of mine, it seems like his ankles are a little fragile.
I took the all thing out on both legs and glued ones that I had from a spare generic body.
The video is kinda funny because he says it doesn’t look right but he likes it. 😅 I like Optical20’s videos though. I started following him when he less than 1k followers.

I do agree with him. I like the figure but it isn’t perfect. The drop in quality from their prototypes to actual is significant. Makes me glad I didn’t pay big money for the rooted version.