EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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Some lovely looking TNG and DS9 figures released so far. However these days when I watch Trek it will be TOS or TOS movie, they are the crew and characters I really care about. The Kirk, Spock and Bones dynamic just works so well, Scotty is great also. When I look at the other shows nothing really comes close for me. I just love the feel of the 60s show. It was a fairly easy decision not to buy any figures from the other shows.
If one is a fan of all Trek shows then it must be very hard indeed.
It's kinda tiered for me in terms of what to get. If I could afford it, I would want TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY main cast. The rest of it I'm OK passing on. If I had to choose 2 it would be DS9 and TNG. If I could only get 1 it would be TNG. So I have the voy set, which if I need to I'll sell to complete the other crew/s I want more. I figure that way even if I sell some at a loss, I won't have to deal with trying to get it on ebay later or something.
I’m going to try and get all I can from TNG. Probably not so much the movies other than Data and Picard and maybe the Worf in space suit that’s been teased.

I want to say I’ll get all of TOS but I’m going to wait and see. I have the trio from QMX already and that may be good enough. I’d like the movie versions of the TOS characters though.

DS9 I’m up in the air if I want more or not. Have Sisko, Quark, and Kira. Might still grab Odo. Not sure if I’ll get the others or not.

T’Pol would be good enough for me to be done with ENT and then I’m done with the rest of the franchise.
I do believe through EXO-6 this really is the only way and only time to get high-end 1:6 Star Trek figures in this era. Even if some other company happens to grab the license in five to ten years from now, they'll only hit up the principal characters from TOS and even fewer from TNG. That's it. Forget about any of the other Star Trek shows and films.

Like most, my interest lies in firmly with TOS and somewhat with TNG. The TNG line promises to be quite tempting, though, and as it comes together it will be hard to avoid the completist impulse that demands building a collection of the full crew. The Beverly Crusher sculpt tease had me sold already, and she's a low priority character. Beyond TOS and TNG I think ST:TWOK is going to be impressive - Nanjin has promised (and practically threatened!) how important that line is to him - so I'll likely cave in to most of those figures. How can anyone not want a killer "Kha-a-a-an!!!" figure?

While I avoided Voyager and DS9 (actually wish I could have jumped into the DS9 figures, but some priorities and sacrifices had to be made) I did buy Seven because it was a unique and interesting EXO-6 project, which turned out rather nice. I may make the same exception for T'Pol, but I really don't like the cartoonish head sculpt much. T'Pol will be one of those purchases that "is what it is", because we'll never see a better T'Pol ever again.
Other coming Dioramas? Uh Oh 3D Trekker might have some licensed competition.

I don’t think EXO will go as deep as 3DTrekker in their offering, such as Quark’s Bar or the ENT-D engineering console as an example.

The alcove looks great, hopefully the lighting effect on the dome mirrors what we saw on screen. Looking forward to this and the ENT-D chair.

Any word on a PO date?

I don’t think EXO will go as deep as 3DTrekker in their offering, such as Quark’s Bar or the ENT-D engineering console as an example.

The alcove looks great, hopefully the lighting effect on the dome mirrors what we saw on screen. Looking forward to this and the ENT-D chair.

Any word on a PO date?

View attachment 711941
I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some bridge stations. He’s already teased a holodeck Arch, and the captains chairs of course.

I agree something like Quark’s Bar, the 3d chess, Sick Bay, they won’t touch. But that Engineering table I can see them doing.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some bridge stations. He’s already teased a holodeck Arch, and the captains chairs of course.

I agree something like Quark’s Bar, the 3d chess, Sick Bay, they won’t touch. But that Engineering table I can see them doing.
He's teased a lot of stuff. I doubt it's all getting released.
I don’t think EXO will go as deep as 3DTrekker in their offering, such as Quark’s Bar or the ENT-D engineering console as an example.

The alcove looks great, hopefully the lighting effect on the dome mirrors what we saw on screen. Looking forward to this and the ENT-D chair.

Any word on a PO date?

View attachment 711941
Nothing yet
I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some bridge stations. He’s already teased a holodeck Arch, and the captains chairs of course.

I agree something like Quark’s Bar, the 3d chess, Sick Bay, they won’t touch. But that Engineering table I can see them doing.
True, I forgot about Data’s Ops Station that was shown a while back.

Here I thought I was just in for the figures, this is really going to start to add up! :lol
(I believe) He did comment that he thinks the next non-figure decorative display piece will likely go on PreOrder around September. Looks like the Alcove and the Ops/Navigation are pretty close to ready to sell.
I’ve seen Nanjin referred to as both Nanjin and Shubert. Anyone know if one of those is his middle name or something?
I’ve seen Nanjin referred to as both Nanjin and Shubert. Anyone know if one of those is his middle name or something?
I may be wrong, but I believe Shubert is the Anglo name his parents chose for him when they moved to the United States.
I may be wrong, but I believe Shubert is the Anglo name his parents chose for him when they moved to the United States.

Ah - like in that old Johnny Cash song . . . "A boy named Shu".

Suddenly, a lot of pieces have fallen into place ;)
