Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon

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Watchmen Ultimate ISN'T the director's cut, Dances with Wolves IS the director's cut.

Do you know all these aren't the director's cuts specifically? For all I know all of these might have been the director's cuts (bar Watchmen).
Edit nvm I don’t feel like doing this again 😂
Because he had free control did he not? Isn’t this his directors cut? Isn’t the movie his vision? No studio interference? So I’m just baffled like he was and everyone else why it needs a directors cut when he had free rein from the get go.
Sooo yea the question is valid.
No way you are being serious with this question.
ah Malcolm x? Love that movie and yea I get what you’re saying but none of these are the directors cut except 1 which was directed by yours truly .

I will say this tho. Atleast rebel moon isn’t as bad as the acolyte apparently 😂

Whether it’s a theater release or director’s cut, I love the long form of cinema. I never feel bored or antsy with a movie that I’m enjoying when it’s 3+ hours.

I actually didn’t hate the Acolyte. I don’t think it’s particularly worse than the garden variety Star Wars show or movie. But I have very low expectations to begin with for Star Wars—which is I think even at its best has been a missed opportunity to have done something very creative, original, and trippy in a great way.

The mythology of the Jedi in the first two movies looked incredibly promising from a creative standpoint. The Jedi faith cobbled together from ideas borrowed from Carlos Castaneda, Vedic philosophy, shamanism, Arthurian legend/grail myth, and some select western philosophy including (that I can see) Plato, Stoicism, and Spinoza. I have no issue with it being derivative in that way, by the way. It melded science fiction and fantasy in a way not seen theretofore. Mystic space knight wizards. Cool!

Lucas could have done something really special with that mythos. He could have created something like the deep dive worldbuilding of Tolkien’s Legendarium or Frank Herbert’s Dune mythos. But as it stands once Lucas realized what a cash cow he had, i.e., the massive amount of merch it would sell, etc., he went for the lowest common denominator of taste and sophistication.

I like the characters and the story in the Acolyte. As for how dumbed down and cheesy the writing is, I expect that from Star Wars going in and always have (and by the second film, ESB, even at the time I could see where it was going which sadly it did).

But that being said I do find Rebel Moon more entertaining by far. The characters and factions are fun and there’s some great potential for immersive worldbuilding. Granted, it’s off to a rocky start but I’m not willing to give up on it. I want to see a Part 3. And the qualitative difference between the R-rated version and PG13 version might be huge.
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The Seneschal podcast about the origin of the Jimmies episode one is out:


The sexual content feels a bit gratuitous for my taste, but… the moral questions of how to survive in the service of a monstrous potentate is actually pretty good stuff.

Edit: Actually, I should make a correction. The sexual content isn’t gratuitous. There’s nothing titillating about it whatsoever. It’s about how sex is used in unhealthy ways for manipulation and control.

I’ll remove this comment of admin insists, but it does actually feel like it has relevance to real life in the US at the current moment in history: in one form or another we have been facing the real threat of a mad king.
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Oh boy...

I made it about 30 minutes into the director's cut of part one and shut it off. I haven't seen the PG-13 version, so I can't compare, but this was bad.

Real bad.

I don't even know where to begin. It's been obvious for some time that Snyder isn't a good writer, but it seems like now he's even forgotten how to direct a good action scene.
Oh boy...

I made it about 30 minutes into the director's cut of part one and shut it off. I haven't seen the PG-13 version, so I can't compare, but this was bad.

Real bad.

I don't even know where to begin. It's been obvious for some time that Snyder isn't a good writer, but it seems like now he's even forgotten how to direct a good action scene.
sad to hear..... I didn't watch either one but that sounds bad
Oh, is it out?

Well, I'm a man of my word. I said as soon as it hits, I'll immediately seek out the nudie scenes, like a 13 year old on Friday night with Cinemax while his parents are out....

I never saw the regular cut of RM2 I waited until this release.

I just witnessed what has to be one of the most hilarious conceptual execution in cinema history.

It was like a hilarious 4th wall break that makes Deadpool look like child’s play.

The murder of the royal family in part 2 has the soundtrack violinist as actors in the scene literally doing the movie soundtrack in real time during the actual scene playing out like RIGHT THERE IN THE SAME ROOM as the actors :rotfl

And literally as the tension of the scene escalates towards the execution of the royal family the violinist actually go from playing soft royal music to fast paced tragic music as if the characters in the movie needed musical support for their actions lol

As if they would just continue playing when things went bad lol

It has to be one of the most bizarre yet hilarious things I have ever seen used in a movie.

It would be like having John Williams and his orchestra playing Star Wars music dressed as characters in ANH during one of the scenes.

Oh and I appreciate the nudity she is super hot.

I’m still in the process of watching it I just had to stop to explain that scene.

I’ll be back with my full review when it’s done.
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I watched the director’s cut of Part 1 “Chalice of Blood” last night, will try to get Part 2 in hopefully sometime today, but if not tomorrow.

As you guys already know I liked the PG13 cuts for the most part, mainly because I like the characters, basic story, and worldbuilding. For me it has good bones. But it’s obvious that the entire story is truncated and squeezed into a two hour-ish timeframe where nothing can develop naturally. And there’s a weird tonal quality to it. On the one hand the approach feels fairly serious. But on the other hand it seems to be going for a pulp-ish, whimsical vibe. And they don’t come together very harmoniously.

I realized that all the interstitial “connective tissue” scenes, and the alternate takes for some scenes, that Chalice of Blood has provides sufficient room for the character arcs and overall story to comfortably breathe, expand, grow, and unfold more naturalistically. And interestingly, it then actually feels more grounded, realistic, and serious. It actually feels like it has a fair bit of depth and substance to it. And it has some sense of stakes to it.

Ironically the super fast pace of the PG13 cuts makes that version feel more pulp-ish. Everything is communicated in a kind of shorthand that makes it come off as more exaggerated and cartoonish by comparison.

The graphic violence of Chalice of Blood made the movie feel more realistic and then more grounded than fantastical. The human emotions expressed by the characters related to the violence felt real, they were not trivialized.

Noble’s sex scene with the twins was less graphic than I expected. It was actually pretty lighthearted.

The sex scene between Kora and Den was actually fascinating to me in certain ways. We literally see how scarred Kora is physically on her back, which is clearly a metaphor for her inner emotional life as well. I think that scene mainly just shows her as 1) fulfilling a base physical or biological need, and 2) her need to be in control. I’m assuming the sex scene on Part 2 with Gunnar will form a counterpoint to that where she has grown and evolved to allow herself to become more intimate and vulnerable.

The additional scenes with Jimmy are wonderful. In many ways he’s the most interesting character to me in the whole story.

Given that it is a surprisingly serious and grounded sci-fi/fantasy movie, Chalice of Blood is actually pretty darn good. I happen to very much like the characters, story, and worldbuilding that it uses. So for my taste, I give it a solid A for its basic entertainment value. Like I was very pleasantly surprised at how relatively mature it felt if that makes any sense.

Anyway, that’s it for now. Hopefully I can get a watch in for Part 2 tonight.
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Ok just finished RM2 directors cut.

Zach is not done yet.

Once the battle starts like the last hour and 15 minutes of this movie it’s pretty freaking entertaining and ends with a lot of emotion way more than any modern Star Wars movie that’s for certain.

What ultimately hurts the movie really bad is what Zach invented for 300 and utilized so very well to elevate and enhance the action and that is the slow motion.

In RM2 it is very overused in the first hour during already slow scenes which drags everything down to a screeching stop and instead of enhancing and elevating the movie it just makes it super boring.

What I loved once the battle started:

Best laser hits in cinema history!

Best use of cgi gore hits ever!

Better light swords than Star Wars YEAH I WENT THERE!

Great looking visuals and special effects!

Great explosions and debris!

Grear robot up there with the best in cinema!

Loved the giant energy lady very Matrix like but cooler!

Great villain grunt soldier death line of dialogue “I have a family” then BAM head explodes!

Great main villain death, very rate now a days!

Sad heartfelt ending for the main character I really felt it.

I enjoyed how she was betrayed and the whole caesar stabbing death ritual even if on the nose.

He should take both Director cuts and just make one single 3 hour movie.

Better than Star Wars at times!

The back story of the asian lady and ripped handsome guy were pointless to the story.

Plus the silly violinist part I already mentioned lol
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Blazing Saddles Vintage GIF by Count Basie

I never saw the regular cut of RM2 I waited until this release.

I just witnessed what has to be one of the most hilarious conceptual execution in cinema history.

It was like a hilarious 4th wall break that makes Deadpool look like child’s play.

The murder of the royal family in part 2 has the soundtrack violinist as actors in the scene literally doing the movie soundtrack in real time during the actual scene playing out like RIGHT THERE IN THE SAME ROOM as the actors :rotfl

And literally as the tension of the scene escalates towards the execution of the royal family the violinist actually go from playing soft royal music to fast paced tragic music as if the characters in the movie needed musical support for their actions lol

As if they would just continue playing when things went bad lol

It has to be one of the most bizarre yet hilarious things I have ever seen used in a movie.

It would be like having John Williams and his orchestra playing Star Wars music dressed as characters in ANH during one of the scenes.

Oh and I appreciate the nudity she is super hot.

I’m still in the process of watching it I just had to stop to explain that scene.

I’ll be back with my full review when it’s done.