Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Jeezuz even though there are dozens of strong female characters that I love and there are plenty of gay actors that play characters that I love and YET even with the popular liberal voices like Double Toasted (they’re always hilarious) saying that Disney messed up big and wrote for an agenda first and everything else was an afterthought and even though I have strong independent sisters that I love, I was STILL accused by 2 people that know my family that the show 100% failed because of toxic men like me who are desperate to see women fail with geek properties.


Ok sure the cancellation had nothing to do with the 180 million price tag on a crappy show with no famous actors other than Moss and with abysmally poor viewership, no not at all.

Disney seriously got financially robbed by someone because the show looked like the set of Handy Manny.

I guess it’s just easier to spew out ridiculous character assassinations than recognizing the obvious problems that hardcore SW fans have been pointing out for years now.

Go ahead keep hiring show runners and actors who mock and trash their freaking core paying audience! :slap
That article and your point focuses only on the movies. As we all know SW main money maker is merchandise.

A comprehensive look shows Disney made 12 billion off of SW since it's purchase.

Even if they wanted to sell it wouldn't be at a loss.
I'd be a little leery of Disney statements made in the tooth-and-nail fight to hold off Peltz. Carefully parsed words like "generated nearly $12 billion in value to the company."
I'd be a little leery of Disney statements made in the tooth-and-nail fight to hold off Peltz. Carefully parsed words like "generated nearly $12 billion in value to the company."
I'm more leery of people with "confidential sources" and "trust me bro" facts with no evidence to back it up.
I'm more leery of people with "confidential sources" and "trust me bro" facts with no evidence to back it up.
Ummm, Disney is about 89 bucks a share. The company isn’t growning (with 12 billion in added value). And currently down year to date. And you believe because a bought and paid for trade paper wants say that there is a current 12 billion in added value? Dude, sorry, looking at the numbers, you can’t be serious? Either you are joking or just very gullible or dumb.
Ummm, Disney is about 89 bucks a share. The company isn’t growning (with 12 billion in added value). And currently down year to date. And you believe because a bought and paid for trade paper wants say that there is a current 12 billion in added value? Dude, sorry, looking at the numbers, you can’t be serious? Either you are joking or just very gullible or dumb.
Lets not tell other members that, unless they agree with you, they have the choice of either joking around, or being gullible, or being dumb.

K, thanks!

And yet Romulus is making bank as we speak...
Exactly! But the thing is they’ll make an excuse for it. See it on Twitter. “Oh men don’t like women in movies unless it’s trauma or they are suffering “

Huh? Pick a struggle. I love how people are acting like this was a huge loss. Sheesh the last Jedi really made Star Wars this battle of the real world politics it’s really annoying.
A woman of color on X just went on a rant saying she's been a SW fan since she was a child and never needed the Saga to change to "look like her" and how she's sick and tired of the pandering.

This was someone's response:


Ummm, Disney is about 89 bucks a share. The company isn’t growning (with 12 billion in added value). And currently down year to date. And you believe because a bought and paid for trade paper wants say that there is a current 12 billion in added value? Dude, sorry, looking at the numbers, you can’t be serious? Either you are joking or just very gullible or dumb.
It was 12 billion since they bought it over 10 years ago. It also accounts for everything SW not just movies and TV, that's merchandise, parks, etc. So yes, it is believable number, especially when you consider the ticket sales of the parks (which they count towards that number), and the amount of merch tourists buy.

Stock prices rise, stock prices fall it's the nature of stocks. However SW alone doesn't dictate Disney's stock. I can point out several well known and buzz worthy companies who are all down YTD. Disney isn't "going broke" like the doom and gloomers say. They are still making billions. Last quarter they made about 22.1 billion.

And sorry, but I don't buy into doomsayers and conspiracy theories from click baity influencers that traffic in that stuff. People who present news with a "Trust me bro" approach, or had "anonymous" sources, are just less believable to me then information from actual sources.

You can hate Disney, hate how they are handling SW, but they are still making money, and SW is a part of that.
Jeezuz even though there are dozens of strong female characters that I love and there are plenty of gay actors that play characters that I love and YET even with the popular liberal voices like Double Toasted (they’re always hilarious) saying that Disney messed up big and wrote for an agenda first and everything else was an afterthought and even though I have strong independent sisters that I love, I was STILL accused by 2 people that know my family that the show 100% failed because of toxic men like me who are desperate to see women fail with geek properties.


Ok sure the cancellation had nothing to do with the 180 million price tag on a crappy show with no famous actors other than Moss and with abysmally poor viewership, no not at all.

Disney seriously got financially robbed by someone because the show looked like the set of Handy Manny.

I guess it’s just easier to spew out ridiculous character assassinations than recognizing the obvious problems that hardcore SW fans have been pointing out for years now.

Go ahead keep hiring show runners and actors who mock and trash their freaking core paying audience! :slap
The show flopped because they spent 160 million on marketing and the other 20 million on a grade B Nickelodeon level production. Everything about it production wise was so cheap and terrible. Even if it took the exact opposite approach and the NRA, Trump and Elon wrote and directed the show it would have been crap.

That’s just the way it is. The actual product is terrible, doesn’t matter what agenda or corporation is behind it. :lol

I’ve seen episodes of iCarly more engaging than this show.

It hurts because we’re SW fans and somehow still have an expectation.
Writing is more important than production value. If it was well written people would have forgiven the poor production value. It DOES matter what thoughts and intentions are behind the show. Far far more than budget.

The show was just bad, it had bad acting, bad and especially illogical writing, immoral messaging and worst of all, was downright boring for much of its runtime. It also treated established lore as an inconvenient thing to ignored.

When a great show is cheaply made people forgive the effects etc, when a bad show is poorly made people do not forgive. When the cheap looking poorly made whow has a huge budget people feel downright cheated.
It was 12 billion since they bought it over 10 years ago. It also accounts for everything SW not just movies and TV, that's merchandise, parks, etc. So yes, it is believable number, especially when you consider the ticket sales of the parks (which they count towards that number), and the amount of merch tourists buy.

Stock prices rise, stock prices fall it's the nature of stocks. However SW alone doesn't dictate Disney's stock. I can point out several well known and buzz worthy companies who are all down YTD. Disney isn't "going broke" like the doom and gloomers say. They are still making billions. Last quarter they made about 22.1 billion.

And sorry, but I don't buy into doomsayers and conspiracy theories from click baity influencers that traffic in that stuff. People who present news with a "Trust me bro" approach, or had "anonymous" sources, are just less believable to me then information from actual sources.

You can hate Disney, hate how they are handling SW, but they are still making money, and SW is a part of that.
The trades you trust are essentially mouthpieces for Disney. Even less trustworthy for the most part as they are propaganda.

You also forget that purchase of lucasfilm was only part of cost. Each movie cost hundreds of millions (and marketing distribution etc can often double the stated budget), the hotel and park expansion cost ridiculous money, all the merch costs money to make. The revenue maybe high (thus brand value), but is the profit high, and is said profit as much as it should have been (movies can be profitable but considered a fail if they fall very short of expectables. Loss of potential earnings indicates poor handling of a property. It is difference between making 50 million profit or a billion in profit).

Oh, plus interest needs to be paid. Longer it takes to pay off the more it builds up.
The trades you trust are essentially mouthpieces for Disney. Even less trustworthy for the most part as they are propaganda.

You also forget that purchase of lucasfilm was only part of cost. Each movie cost hundreds of millions (and marketing distribution etc can often double the stated budget), the hotel and park expansion cost ridiculous money, all the merch costs money to make. The revenue maybe high (thus brand value), but is the profit high, and is said profit as much as it should have been (movies can be profitable but considered a fail if they fall very short of expectables. Loss of potential earnings indicates poor handling of a property. It is difference between making 50 million profit or a billion in profit).

Oh, plus interest needs to be paid. Longer it takes to pay off the more it builds up.

Can you show where they are mouthpieces for Disney? That it is propaganda? Or is this just something you believe?

Do you have other sources that show information counter to what I have shown or said? I don't ask to be snarky or antagonistic, I ask because from what I have seen there isn't much out there outside of the influencers with their unnamed sources and clickbait articles.

I haven't forgotten anything. You really think that the costs to make the merch isn't factored into their prices? If the merch does so poorly as you suggest, then why do they keep making it over and over again? Logic suggests they must be making money off of it, since their end goal is to make money.

Galaxy Edge cost a estimated 1 billion to build. In 2022 alone 10.9 million people visited Disney Hollywood Studios (that's how many people entered Studios) in Florida where Galaxies Edge is located. The lowest single park ticket price in 2022 was 109.00 (giving you the advantage here since ticket prices fluctuate based on time of year). That's just over 1 billion from that one park alone for one year. Galaxy Edge has been around since 2019, ticket prices have only gotten higher, and millions of people are still going every year. Even after you factor in operating costs, it's obvious in the 5 years Galaxy Edge has been open it's easily paid off. I only calculated one park, and one year, keep that in mind.

Going by your estimates of doubling the budget of a movie to include makreting. The lowest earning movie of the sequal trilogy TROS cost 832 million (again I doubled the stated cost of making the movie) At the box office it earned 1.077 billion. That's still a profit of over 200 million. Did it underperform for them? Maybe, but it's still the 39th highest grossing film and earned a lot of money. Doesn't make it a good movie, but who knows if they consider it a failure.

There's no defending the Starcruiser, I really don't want to spend the time parsing how much it may have made vs how much it cost to make. However considering the risk they took with it (main stream LARP experience) I believe that shows how much money SW does generate for them. If SW wasn't generating a lot of money for them then why take a 100 million dollar risk on something no one has tackled before, using a era of SW you assert is a failure? The kind of money the Starcruiser took to build and maintain indicates Disney felt they had money to burn on a experiment.

As I indicated above stock rise and they fall. Disney's current stock price isn't a reflection on SW. If you really want to get into it we can, but it's a deep subject concerning a lot of non SW topics best handled elsewhere.
IMO, Disney tried something different with the Acolyte and now that it failed, I am afraid they will take the wrong lessons from it.

As mid as this show was it’s a shame it was cancelled.

Replace the showrunner and dive deeper into the darkside stuff with Plagueis. Push the Osha and Mae stuff to the side.

Now they’ll probably adapt the Plagueis stuff into a comic or novel that 5 people will read.

This is my thought too. There is a lot of stories they can dive into from this era, but now I think we'll just get more Skywalker-centric stories.
Lets not tell other members that, unless they agree with you, they have the choice of either joking around, or being gullible, or being dumb.

K, thanks!


Unless you wanna take it to the Dark Rooms. 90% of the conversation so far is people calling each other dumb.
even with the popular liberal voices like Double Toasted (they’re always hilarious) saying that Disney messed up big and wrote for an agenda first and everything else was an afterthought

I watched that video too and when one of them said the word 'agenda' I immediately unsubscribed to those white supremacists over at Double Toasted. Beyond the pale. No pun intended.
Can you show where they are mouthpieces for Disney? That it is propaganda? Or is this just something you believe?

Do you have other sources that show information counter to what I have shown or said? I don't ask to be snarky or antagonistic, I ask because from what I have seen there isn't much out there outside of the influencers with their unnamed sources and clickbait articles.

I haven't forgotten anything. You really think that the costs to make the merch isn't factored into their prices? If the merch does so poorly as you suggest, then why do they keep making it over and over again? Logic suggests they must be making money off of it, since their end goal is to make money.

Galaxy Edge cost a estimated 1 billion to build. In 2022 alone 10.9 million people visited Disney Hollywood Studios (that's how many people entered Studios) in Florida where Galaxies Edge is located. The lowest single park ticket price in 2022 was 109.00 (giving you the advantage here since ticket prices fluctuate based on time of year). That's just over 1 billion from that one park alone for one year. Galaxy Edge has been around since 2019, ticket prices have only gotten higher, and millions of people are still going every year. Even after you factor in operating costs, it's obvious in the 5 years Galaxy Edge has been open it's easily paid off. I only calculated one park, and one year, keep that in mind.

Going by your estimates of doubling the budget of a movie to include makreting. The lowest earning movie of the sequal trilogy TROS cost 832 million (again I doubled the stated cost of making the movie) At the box office it earned 1.077 billion. That's still a profit of over 200 million. Did it underperform for them? Maybe, but it's still the 39th highest grossing film and earned a lot of money. Doesn't make it a good movie, but who knows if they consider it a failure.

There's no defending the Starcruiser, I really don't want to spend the time parsing how much it may have made vs how much it cost to make. However considering the risk they took with it (main stream LARP experience) I believe that shows how much money SW does generate for them. If SW wasn't generating a lot of money for them then why take a 100 million dollar risk on something no one has tackled before, using a era of SW you assert is a failure? The kind of money the Starcruiser took to build and maintain indicates Disney felt they had money to burn on a experiment.

As I indicated above stock rise and they fall. Disney's current stock price isn't a reflection on SW. If you really want to get into it we can, but it's a deep subject concerning a lot of non SW topics best handled elsewhere.
Question: was TROS making 1.077 billion in regards to ticket sales? In that case, you need to factor in the theatres cut before you can say over 200 million profit. Theatre takes vary but I have seen theatre cuts stated before from 10% to 50% ticket price.

Just an example of the sorts of costs not usually being taken into account.

As for "why do they keep making merch" you do remember how little merch there was for TROS don't you. The hasbro 3.75 inch line was non existent IIRC and barely any 6 inch figures either. HT did a few. As for why any get made, well, in order to keep the licence they need to make something once in a while. They will be contractually obliged to make certain things to maintain their license. If they want to make Mando product they need to make occasional ST figures in the main non tie in line. The cost of those peg warmers hopefully gets offset by the Grogus, Clones and Mandos
A woman of color on X just went on a rant saying she's been a SW fan since she was a child and never needed the Saga to change to "look like her" and how she's sick and tired of the pandering.

This was someone's response:

View attachment 721340

Nah, I don't buy it. That post is basically him "coming out" as a mutant...