EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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I think the hair is throwing off the likeness a bit. Not bad overall though. I’ll get the Standard, even though I hate that we have to be upsold on a few items rather than just everything being included.
I think the hair is throwing off the likeness a bit. Not bad overall though. I’ll get the Standard, even though I hate that we have to be upsold on a few items rather than just everything being included.
This first pic is the only angle that I can see even remotely captures her likeness. The others, forget about it.


  • Crusher07_1024x1024@2x.webp.jpeg
  • Crusher03_866d3b5f-7ab3-4e03-90a1-c8169ef365b7_1024x1024@2x.webp.jpeg
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Been waiting for Bev she’s one of my fav characters, but the sculpt and jacket seem off. The medical jacket should be shorter and pockets higher.

I’m sure there will be improvements made from now until release.
It’s more completionists really. I wanted to go all in on TNG, except for Wesley and this one looks like a cross your fingers and hope for the best situation. Gonna wait a little longer before deciding. Not keen on these two of everything releases either
Oh well, it's Beverly Crusher! And as if that's not bad enough, the likeness just isn't there.

This reminds me of when the DS9 Kira was put up initially.

I'm not getting any TNG releases, but for those of you that ARE, I hope the in-hand reality for Beverly is comparable to how Kira turned out (or better).


Yeah Exos recurring clay helmet hair, ain't doing any of the fem figures any favors.
Yet at least she fits in with the others.
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This first pic is the only angle that I can see even remotely captures her likeness. The others, forget about it.
Check out the photos of Crusher from Vegas Convention. The likeness is much better there. This maybe a earlier version. Plus keep in mind they still make improvments on their figures from pre order to release. Most if not all figures are much better in hand then the pre order pictures.
Disregarding the images from the films, getting her hair right was going to be a tall order. Crusher always had these large and elaborate hair styles that I don’t think could fully execute well in sculpted hair. I’m still glad they went this route over rooted.

Aside from that, I think the actual facial sculpt delivers.

Disregarding the images from the films, getting her hair right was going to be a tall order. Crusher always had these large and elaborate hair styles that I don’t think could fully execute well in sculpted hair. I’m still glad they went this route over rooted.

Aside from that, I think the actual facial sculpt delivers.

View attachment 723850

YES! It’s a YES from me!
I think she's okay. Hoping for improvements like they did with Geordie. I think the face is too round or something. She's a bit more horse faced (not using this as an insult).
The figure almost looks too young. Not quite angular enough. The make-up a bit lacking (though honestly I never liked the characters over use of red cheek makeup!).

She will look good with everyone else.
Disregarding the images from the films, getting her hair right was going to be a tall order. Crusher always had these large and elaborate hair styles that I don’t think could fully execute well in sculpted hair. I’m still glad they went this route over rooted.

Aside from that, I think the actual facial sculpt delivers.

View attachment 723850
Thats a good looking woman right there.

Quite happy to have a Dr Crusher as part of the Trek section.

Love all Trek up until ENTs cancellation - TNG is special to me as its the one I mainly grew up with.

Always looked forward to Tues (I think) finishing school and popping on BBC 2 at 6 to watch TNG. good times.

Trek has always been there in my life during the good and bad times. It helped a lot, if that makes sense. So yes, very fond.