SSC Greedo 1/6 Scum and Villainy

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Just think about the Luke-Leia romance! :naughty
Well the one on the right looks to be one of the other background Rodians from the Jabba scene. All the Rodians seemed to have been wearing that latest fashion trend. Even in RotJ that seems to still be the go-to outfit. Hard to beat a turquoise jumpsuit and orange vest!

So good news is even if you have the V1, he can be one of the other background Rodians now :)
Non of them have a Han style belt though.

As wrong as it is, this new SS Greedo's belt is closer. Maybe you could move the third box in back and place it more upfront and align the three.
Its funny, three photos and non match each other.
Two are from Docking Bay 94, though Paul Blake plays one of the D94 rodians in the Greedo costume (that's him in the B&W pic.)

The point is Greedo's belt is not brown leather and doesn't have the holster hanging below on a separate/second lower belt band - ie it's nothing like Han's "cowboy" belt. Greedo has a holster that loops directly up onto a single-strip belt and it's a lighter orange-reddish brown.

Rodians including Greedo have light grey/biege leather belts and Greedo has at least five (possibly six) metallic-finish belt boxes visible in the scene with Han, all in a line.

This SSC belt is based on the SW Battlefront Greedo belt and has two belt boxes (painted white, not metallic) on the belt and one glued on the back side of the lower holster belt.

Really not sure where the idea that Greedo had a brown cowboy-style belt very similar to Han's came from - seemed to originate with the Hasbro VOTC Greedo.
It's difficult to tell, but I think the belt may actually be the same, it's just never put on correctly. The Jabba scene was a pickup, shot after the cantina the first time in England, no?

The original UK cantina scene/the Jabba scene/the LA reshoot all had Greedo, but each time with missing or rearranged costume parts.

All I know for sure is Greedo is awesome and easily my favourite Cantina weirdo. It's the best of the UK alien designs. Followed by the LA designed Hammerhead and Duros.
Well the one on the right looks to be one of the other background Rodians from the Jabba scene. All the Rodians seemed to have been wearing that latest fashion trend. Even in RotJ that seems to still be the go-to outfit. Hard to beat a turquoise jumpsuit and orange vest!

So good news is even if you have the V1, he can be one of the other background Rodians now :)
I've already been looking for the Hoth Leia vest, but alas no luck.
It's difficult to tell, but I think the belt may actually be the same, it's just never put on correctly. The Jabba scene was a pickup, shot after the cantina the first time in England, no?

The original UK cantina scene/the Jabba scene/the LA reshoot all had Greedo, but each time with missing or rearranged costume parts.

All I know for sure is Greedo is awesome and easily my favourite Cantina weirdo. It's the best of the UK alien designs. Followed by the LA designed Hammerhead and Duros.
D94 was filmed same week as the cantina, with Paul Blake in same costume playing a rodian. But the rodians all have the same belt, just with the thick metallic boxes mixed and matched, and the belts slid around on the waist. They all seem to have just a single rivet, like an Imperial belt without the buckle.

The pick-up CA Greedo (Aragon with incorrect hands) didn't ever have a belt on. The only ref pic of the Paul Blake/UK Greedo where you can see his holster is the FX dummy set-up where he gets shot and it is the same holster seen on the D94 Rodians.
This is pretty nice, what have you done here? What head is that?
Quickie/cheapo background custom using 3D printed head (which is just ok, not great) + trimmed/tightened Hasbro Greedo jumpsuit and Leia Hoth vest. One hand is Sideshow, other from a cheap vinyl figure. I still haven't weathered the wrists area after all these years. Boots are SSC Luke farmboy, "hinge" belt is custom to match onscreen.
Well, I caved and ordered both the Greedo and Ponda Baba exclusives. FOMO and the desire to support this line so that the other figures get made finally won me over. Time for my Hasbro Ponda and v1 of Sideshow Greedo to get ready for the demotion to future toys for grand children :)