SSC Ponda Baba 1/6 Scum and Villainy

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I think the reason Sideshow isn't including the severed hand is that they'd have to actually give you an entire second jacket. Or at least create a jacket where the entire right sleeve is removable or sectioned, as well as a specialized arm. The arm is cut off in an awkward place, just below the elbow, not conveniently at the wrist like so many other lopped off hands in Star Wars. He may be memorable, even iconic, but Sideshow just isn't going to do all that for a cantina alien. Plus, would anyone really display the guy with a severed arm?

Also, Dr. Evazen gets his arm cut off too, it just doesn't get that classic money shot.
I just think that would have made for a good exclusive though. Hands aren’t something that should be an extra item. Just feels like Sideshow being too lazy to put in the extra effort with the damaged jacket/arm to me.
I still think it’s such a missed opportunity to not have an interchangeable cut off arm for Ponda. I mean that scene is largely why he stands out.

Instead we get.. relaxed flipper hands? Like wtf is that? Just lazy and feels like they don’t want to put in the extra effort, but yet still want to charge top dollar.
I agree. A chopped off arm accessory would've very likely helped change my mind about this figure...
I just think that would have made for a good exclusive though. Hands aren’t something that should be an extra item. Just feels like Sideshow being too lazy to put in the extra effort with the damaged jacket/arm to me.
I agree with, the arm would have been nice, but I'd just never display it that way. Plus if Sideshow was actually being lazy they'd never release these at all. I think they're just mitigating cost.
I agree with, the arm would have been nice, but I'd just never display it that way. Plus if Sideshow was actually being lazy they'd never release these at all. I think they're just mitigating cost.
If we’re being real though- the figure is pretty basic. The outfit is nothing crazy. The most work they did is the sculpt.
Looks good. But if I start collecting cantina aliens at this point I’ll be divorced. 😂
You would let divorce stand in the way of 1/6 cantina aliens? :dunno
Losing his wife isn’t what’s stopping him - he’d have to buy 2 of each since she’d be entitled to half of them in the divorce. Hard to justify that lol.
If we’re being real though- the figure is pretty basic. The outfit is nothing crazy. The most work they did is the sculpt.
Absolutely, but what is a basic figure price in 2024/2025, with both Lucasfilm and Disney having their hands out for a piece? Current pricing in this hobby is insane across the board, and as every year goes by and prices continue to go up, we'll never see a basic alien for $100 ever again. At this point it'll come down to never having characters like these being made or fans simply not buying them, and then never having them be made again. As someone who wants background weirdos and droids from SW, all I can do is decide if I can justify splurging on these guys, and for now I'm begrudgingly willing.
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This is one of the most ugliest creature faces ever. I’m sorry but this guy looks like he’s got male genitalia for his chin. All he needs is a needle nose and he’ll have the rest of what’s needed to keep tucked away in underwear. Absolutely ridiculous design. Gross.😂🤣 Ball face.
This is one of the most ugliest creature faces ever. I’m sorry but this guy looks like he’s got male genitalia for his chin. All he needs is a needle nose and he’ll have the rest of what’s needed to keep tucked away in underwear. Absolutely ridiculous design. Gross.😂🤣 Ball face.
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He doesn't like you. I don't like you either.