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his leg camo could have been colored blue and 95% of people would still buy it just to complete the commander line up. :lol
I would have never noticed. Thanks for pointing that out. Remind me to always wear pressed shirts around you. You guys could spot a centimeter wrinkle in an instance. It's cool though.
Cool your jets. We're gonna see this in a few days. Then you can keep or cancel.


Nah, no need to cool 'em, I realize the tone of my post came of as a bit more aggravated than I actually am. :) I was just venting a little plasma because I was hoping that there was still time to do some tweaks as warranted, but if Silentsurfer, with insider perspective, says this is the production paint job for the figure, then that's probably the case. And it isn't just the color values that are off (which may indeed be due to the pics), it's the quality of the camo paint apps that doesn't seem right. Its not so far afield that I'm going to cancel my order, but it IS a shame that this figure is "good" when it could so easily be "excellent". I'm still trying to hold on to my original "wait-and-see" perspective, though, so it's all good. :peace
This has a Q3 release which is probably September I doubt if there is now time to correct anything. We'll find out in a few days what
it looks like in more natural lighting.
Some of us collect these figures because we love the source material, not just bendy things.

I love the source material and beny things.

Its a pity such a great figure comes with inaccurate paintwork.:(
Ok, a few quick thoughts: if the body dimensions are a bit off, then it is what it is and we'll probably have to live with it. SS is going to use the Prometheus body and existing clone armor as much as possible. I can live with that. The paint apps ARE wrong, but I think it's too soon to get riled over it. The figure hasn't even been shown at Comic Con yet and this is a prototype, the final product will almost certainly vary. The truly important thing is how the factory apps turn out. The feedback to send to SS is: tone down the yellow/tan and bump up the green on leg, forearm, belt and codpiece armor. Blur the edges a bit. More variegated. Mirroring on the visor. Make the dark green and greys a little more muted. And fercrissakes, repaint Cody's 'holo-palpatine' hand and include it with Gree! All easy tweaks withing SS's ability prior to release. See? Fixed!

Very good points. No need to be worried yet. We do have a really good figure that with a few tweaks would be excellent... Maybe even perfect? (don't shoot the messenger! Ha). But all in all I'm still very pleased with this figure and I LOVE the face portrait! It perfectly blends the clone wars with the episode III in my book!
Just looked at the Ex of this and it is now Sold Out even at the slightly higher ES of 1000. I wonder why the sizable difference in ES between Bly at 500 and Gree.
Sideshow Collectibles 1/6th Scale Commander Gree Comic Con Showcase

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bk-Wxyah_I"]‪Sideshow Collectibles Star Wars 12-inch Armies Comic Con Showcase‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

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