Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker
I just Paid In Full for my THE TOM figure.
I just Paid In Full for my THE TOM figure.

Production samples!
Not sure about how the jacket flairs out, but maybe it looks better on the figure.
Agreed. I would also add that the pants material actually looks better than the proto material, IMO.
I can relate.
The 4th Doctor means a lot to me, and as a kid I had the palitoy stuff or Denys fisher ( can't recall which company as the box lasted two minutes). Still remember having that cardboard TARDIS pinned to the wall to make it look like it was flying, and getting the Who / Trek annual combo ordered by my mum for Christmas from the Brian Mills catalogue, on the first day back from the summer holidays. Ah, the good old days.
OMG the Brian Mills catalogue!!!!!!! Remember how it had virtually no toys in spring, but 50 pages of everything your heart desired in the Autumn? How everything was £1.84 for 50 weeks? And then when I got older, the lingerie section!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah. It was like clockwork. We'd get back from holiday (usually Butlins or something like that) and on the doorstep, wrapped in clear cellophane was the Bruan a Mills catalogue.... Yup, straight to the back, with (as stated, later) a quick stop off at the, ahem, lingerie section. Coz at the back was a bigger toy department than the one at Goldberg's ( us that still there in Edinburgh?) and it had like everything you could ever want. In truth, I did go to the Annuals before the toys, to see the covers of the Who and Trek. Trek always hade better covers. Who were always a bit meh! Mind you, I still have all the Who Annuals, but I never kept my Trek ones. Then, it was time for the toys... Wait a minute, what was this thread about.. Oh yeah, the 4 th Doctor. I'm looking forward to his arrival, and I love the box as seen on the BC website,
Never mind this thread, remember how each brand had its own page or double page spread? The Star Wars one, with that cardboard Palitoy death star... the Six Million Dollar Man page (who ever asked for an Oscar Goldman for Christmas?). Anyway, yeah, 4th Doctor. Cool. But it would cooler still if BC paid an artist to do retro packaging...
They have to follow the style guide, anyway, I imagine, making retro packaging not so possible.
You'll need to go to this BCS webpage :-
To create an account you'll need the email address you used to buy with and for Four you'll need the PayPal Invoice No you got on your receipt as follows :-
It's the xxxx part that's needed.
For Ten, it's the email address and the order no that BCS sent when you bought direct from them. As I commented earlier, my new account didn't set up properly, it's there but with an error message, and I've seen comments of other people having problems asking for help on their FB page, so setting up an account might not be totally straightforward.
Never mind this thread, remember how each brand had its own page or double page spread? The Star Wars one, with that cardboard Palitoy death star... the Six Million Dollar Man page (who ever asked for an Oscar Goldman for Christmas?). Anyway, yeah, 4th Doctor. Cool. But it would cooler still if BC paid an artist to do retro packaging...
Big Chief Studios Limited Throughout his tenure as the Doctor Tom Baker wore numerous outfits. This version of the 4th Doctor is based on his costume from series 13. We have been fortunate enough to have access to parts of the original costume, including his jacket, which I might add is a perfect representation in 1:6 scale for both colour and fabric. We did not follow a fan-made cosplay outfit, that claimed to be accurate. We strive for accuracy and follow reference closely to achieve the most realistic results. When you have the best reference at your disposal you can take measurements to ensure the closest match. We work on facts, not conjecture or opinion. This is what we do and the result speaks for itself.
The BIG Chief Team