1/6 Hot Toys - DX26 - Obi-Wan Kenobi Series : Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Am I the only one who wants a season 2? 😂
Nope! The time of Obi-Wan Kenobi between Episodes 3 & 4 is fertile ground for a really compelling character study, with a terrific actor in Ewan McGregor. Use him while he's willing & able. Show Tattooine as desolate & dangerous as Arrakis. Get Gilroy, or someone like him, to write it, So much epic potential 👍
Nope, I'm down for more Ewan McGregor Kenobi, he isn't the issue and never was.

Get a new writing team, producers and directors.

Started seeing some pics of this head on the TCW body too and now I want to do that.
:exactly: Ewan was compelling to watch as Obi even when the directing/script was lame. Bring on S2.

I'm gonna keep mine as is so I have arc from ROTS to Sideshow's on the shelf.