1/6 Hot Toys - HONŌ STUDIO - Marvels X-Men - Wolverine (Brown Suit) Limited Edition

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Certainly looks odd, don't think Ill ever use it. Ill probably display the tiger suit with a smirk while holding a cigar, and brown suit with that pissed off face and sword.
Dammit, why'd you guys have to point out the thong-look? Excited to get a brown suit version, I am able to overlook the shoulders (for better articulation without the suit binding on the shoulders) but the thong is completely throwing me off now. :(
Makes me boys hurt to think of wearing that getup but I do like the look better than the ‘80’s Wolverine with the shoulder pads. Now if they could do the brown suit with stripes, that would be cool.

Would I get moderated out of I gave Howard Chan the middle finger for contrived scarcity? I’m kinda bitter on this and full bush Anakin. He has Stalin’s sense of economics.
The more I look at this mouth plate the more I dislike it. I want to like this, but there are aspects that look odd making the overall look look odd.
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Yeah, that one is horrific because the eyes don't work. They were trying to thread the needle with neutral eyes that look menacing when tilted downward, but it's not enough for that mouth. If he had angrier eyes it could work. He kind of looks like the Joker as-is, laughing in a cartoonish and maniacal way.
Makes me boys hurt to think of wearing that getup but I do like the look better than the ‘80’s Wolverine with the shoulder pads. Now if they could do the brown suit with stripes, that would be cool.
Technically brown is the definitive '80s Wolvie, and the other suit is his '70s design. Byrne introduced the brown outfit in 1980, and he didn't go back to the yellow/blue outfit until Jim Lee started the new X-book in the early '90s.

Hono Wolverine comp.jpg

I haven't jumped on any of these yet, as I'm really waiting to see how the Thor figure turns out. That would determine whether or not I want to buy a few of these comic figures or not. I've always preferred the yellow tiger stripe, but this being so limited has me wondering if I should try to get one.
Yeah, that one is horrific because the eyes don't work. They were trying to thread the needle with neutral eyes that look menacing when tilted downward, but it's not enough for that mouth. If he had angrier eyes it could work. He kind of looks like the Joker as-is, laughing in a cartoonish and maniacal way.
Yes! It's all kinds of wrong for Wolverine. It looked off from a distance. I zoomed in and it got worse.
Yeah, that one is horrific because the eyes don't work. They were trying to thread the needle with neutral eyes that look menacing when tilted downward, but it's not enough for that mouth. If he had angrier eyes it could work. He kind of looks like the Joker as-is, laughing in a cartoonish and maniacal way.

Exactly this. Try to make this same expression with your eyes and brow neutral and it feels and looks unnatural, like you just have jaw pain or denture problems. I get what they tried to do, and I’m glad there are three alternate mouth plates, but to pull off the rage scream they’d need a far more intense furrowed brow and eyes to sell it.


Technically brown is the definitive '80s Wolvie, and the other suit is his '70s design. Byrne introduced the brown outfit in 1980, and he didn't go back to the yellow/blue outfit until Jim Lee started the new X-book in the early '90s.
While I generally prefer the brown suit, and this gets SO close, there are definitely some minor issues that bother me on this more than the Tiger Stripe. Little things, like I prefer he have the actual gold belt buckle (even if this still is comic accurate as well), or a darker shade of orange with a more reddish brown compliment, or those trunks being more distracting with this design, etc.

It’s still probably the most accurate 80s Wolverine thus far, but it feels like far less effort is going into it, and that’s not reflected by the artificial scarcity or price compared to its predecessor.
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Little things, like I prefer he have the actual gold belt buckle (even if this still is comic accurate as well), or a darker shade of orange with a more reddish brown compliment, or those trunks being more distracting with this design, etc.
Yeah, both the original suits had a belt buckle, and that's the look I would also prefer. I'm OK with the color, but I do hope someone makes replacement undies for these guys.
Exactly this. Try to make this same expression with your eyes and brow neutral and it feels and looks unnatural, like you just have jaw pain or denture problems. I get what they tried to do, and I’m glad there are three alternate mouth plates, but to pull off the rage scream they’d need a far more intense furrowed brow and eyes to sell it.


While I generally prefer the brown suit, and this gets SO close, there are definitely some minor issues that bother me on this more than the Tiger Stripe. Little things, like I prefer he have the actual gold belt buckle (even if this still is comic accurate as well), or a darker shade of orange with a more reddish brown compliment, or those trunks being more distracting with this design, etc.

It’s still probably the most accurate 80s Wolverine thus far, but it feels like far less effort is going into it, and that’s not reflected by the artificial scarcity or price compared to its predecessor.

This gets me thinking, a red belt with gold buckle should be easy enough to commission from a leather worker, and proper shorts may not be hard to get after some time either.
Pre-queue waiting room is live on the Sideshow product page.
Gotta love how we’re already doing this nonsense before the first HONO figure is even in most customers’ hands.

*sigh* Time to wait. And hope I don’t get called into a meeting.