Gratz chandrill! Looks great! How's the shoulder articulation for you?
Gratz chandrill! Looks great! How's the shoulder articulation for you?
As to shippers, some collectors believe it's a part of the total package, the presentation, when it comes to a Hot Toys product, while others view it as just another box, no different from a BBTS or SS box. It's all about one's POV.
Mine arrived today. I just opened it up and took a look. This figure is incredible. I really need to spend some time going over each detail. While the Mk42 isn't my favorite Iron Man, I think this figure just shot to the top of my list. Need a die cast Mk3 now!
Got mine today...Fantastic figure...but one of the foot 'panels' was off in the box...I am thinking it is not worth trying to replace...maybe I will just glue it...anyone else have a missing foot 'panel'?
Popular camera, I see. Lol
Annd, got mine! My shipper is in bad condition though, I'm going to return it.
Mint shipper or fail. It's all about the shipper.