1/6 Hot Toys - Iron Man 3: MMS197D02 Mark XLII Diecast Series Official Spec/Pics

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Playing with my new cheapo light box and Mk. XLII

There is nothing stopping it from happening. You can buy a prepaid debit card, or visa gift card, or one of those online only bank accounts (like Walmart sells) out fake info and there's a cheap untraceable way to get paypal. You can build up to ten positive feedback on eBay by buying ten 99 cent things. Or setting up two accounts and buying and selling to yourself to set up seller cred. If a complaint is filed they only need to provide a tracking number to win the intial dispute. The funds are released and they win. Even if the tracking isn't to your address. PayPal first line complaint are trained to rule in favor of seller if a tracking number to the right city is supplied. They can also mail you an envelope that's empty or a bag of poo. Then they got a packaged delivered to your address. Then you have to prove it wasn't what it was supposed to be.

I had a huge nightmare issue about five or six years ago with an eBay deal. I ended up suing paypal and ebay. It was a huge mess. I won't get into it unless anyone really wants to know. But I found out all kinda of shady shizle that paypal and eBay do in the course of the case.

Sharing is caring. Plus the info may help others who get into a mess w/ paypal or ebay!
so, like a sucker I took the bait for one of the $100 auctions. before the item was removed from ebay(after I paid for it of course, cause that's how it always works! :p) I got an e-mail saying my item shipped via USPS and expected delivery of Dec 31-Jan 5, no tracking provided though...I figured Im protected by eBay's buyer protection policy so it was worth a shot. if it's not here by the 5th, I will report to ebay & attempt to get my $ back & put it towards another iron man or hulk :p

has anyone else bought from one of these?
I will keep u guys updated, for those considering pulling the trigger on these

& to clarify, I did not get "duped". I knew it was potentially a scam because it was too good to be true, but figured id test the waters anyway(so no name-calling! ha)
Oh man....pics like this are inching me closer to getting this...really like the Iron Patriot I picked up last month....and your shots of the 42 (along with IronMan81's featuring them both together) are looking damned good....

I'm lucky enough to own an Actulite polarised daylight system (company no longer exists, sadly) - here's a couple of pics I took while unboxing mine.



Pay no attention to the surgical gloves :angelsmil
what is the significance of this??
(im new to owning any hot toys & do not have an iron man yet, so I do not know specifically how the overall anatomy of a hot toys iron man figure works yet)
sorry if im coming off naïve or dumb here :/

There were shoulder issues on the first batches of Mark XLII that have been subsequently addressed.

Uh............................... :lol

He just got done killing Paul Allen. ;)