I can't afford a Hall Of Armor. But my Ledge Of Spideys is filling out nicely:
I don't have the game, and was on the fence about the figure based on the proto pics, but took the plunge after seeing so many positive reviews.
I'm a big fan of the HC Tech and Iron Spider suits (HC Tech much more posable than given credit for, Iron Spider nails that liquid metal look in the right pose)...but I have to say the VG suit is now my favourite Spidey, and perhaps my all time favourite HT figure.
Quick list of in-hand points:
* IMO, the proto pics gave the material too much of a shiny/wet/cold look, like PVC. In hand the material is much dryer/warmer looking - more like Neoprene or Lycra. This makes those deep colours pop more and just makes him look more appealing IMO.
* The proto pics showed the inner leg material bunching into some pretty deep ripples when posed. In hand, the deep-pose rippling is not nearly as pronounced, and you can often futz the suit to smooth ripples out once you have your pose.
* I wasn't keen on the white 'giant bird poop' spider symbol for a long time but I now appreciate the boldness of the suit and see how it fits perfectly.
The whole design has the vivid, uncluttered impact of a sport team uniform - just a glimpse of it across the room sticks in your memory. The big white symbol and the bigger eyes are a big part of that instant impression.
Hope the MCU outfits move in this direction - Spidey is the unofficial Team NYC mascot after all!
* The suit material is fascinating. Feels a bit like latex, and has bounced back from some pretty extreme stretches all by itself. Will be interesting to see how it recovers from long term poses and if/how it responds to heat/steam. After all, a Spidey is for life, not just for Ebay.
* Crunch articulation is good but not great. Neck post articulation is limited. Would be great to get the classic 'toes and fingertips' Spidey Squat one day - looks like the upcoming Quarter Scale HC Tech can do it.
* I thought HC Tech Spidey went well with Cap. But....