Yeah this guy will be a welcome addition to my avp shelf, he will really stand out.
I was REALLY hoping this would have been the Chopper and Wolf 2.0 predators being revealed...
He totally looks spot on and great IMO,btw does his have barefoot as the film?
I assume is right,but can't very much justify recall.
It's difficult to tell just from screenshots of the movie. That said, the figure still looks like it has sandals on the bottom of his bare feet which looks odd since I don't see any straps to keep them on except at the ankles. I think if they leave the toe blades off they should add some straps or something near the front of the foot so it doesn't look strange. then again, maybe this is exactly how the costume from the movie was - it's hard to tell
Looks good, but the mask seems not wearable..
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I can understand that. I too would have preferred Wolf 2.0, Chopper 2.0 or Jungle Hunter 2.0, but this is still good news because it shows us that Hot Toys is not done with Predators as many (including myself) feared. So there is still hope for those other Predators.
I'd rather have better sculpted mandibles than a mask we never see him wear in the movie.