I'll admit it, I feel a little gypped by this. This is, by far, my preferred display version, and had I known I would have happily waited for it, and just grabbed this version instead. But I didn't know, so I didn't wait, and I have very little interest in owning two Anakins, personally, so here we are. Some characters and actors I'll happily double, or even triple, up on, but Hayden Christensen's Anakin isn't one of them. And certainly not at these prices.
I know some folks predicted this, but people predict an awful lot of things around here, most of which never actually happens, so even though I thought there was a good chance this would happen eventually, I genuinely didn't expect it so soon. And it's that it happened so soon that rubs the salt in. If this had happened a year down the line, or if it had more significant changes to justify its own release alongside the regular Anakin, then I wouldn't feel so burned, but right now I can't help but feel more than a bit toasty, all things considered.
Still, you rolls your dice and you takes your chances. It's just that this time I rolled snake eyes... Ah, well. Such is life, I guess.