True. Squeaky wheel gets the grease right? Lol (I’m also an audio guy, btw).
I listen to Audioslave... Does that count me in this exclusive group?
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True. Squeaky wheel gets the grease right? Lol (I’m also an audio guy, btw).
This issue is different than the rubber arm instance. HT advertised this as a dynamic figure via all of its prototype photos etc... Used it to sell preorders. Used its goodwill as a company, because yes it makes mostly amazing products, to promote the product and when it fell short, all was swept under the rug.Really. Look there’s gonna be some people who have issues with every single release. Does that mean it happens to the vast majority of people, no. Go to any thread on any fabric suit figure and people will be complaining about how fragile it is. How it just falls about when you do two poses for two seconds. Those people get the most attention. Then you have ten other people who don’t have the figure complaining about how fragile it is, re enforcing that fragile idea for other people, making it seem like it’s evwn worse. Then you have some people who share other people’s story’s about issues further making it seem like it’s an issue. So you got dozens of people talking about the fragility of the suit when only two of them have it and have issues. Meanwhile five hundred other people share photos where it is fine.
So yes, a couple people have had issues. Does that mean it’s a major issue? Nope.
It’s like the rubber arm issue. Lots of people saying it’s an issue. But go find an actual photo of it being an actual issue. You may find one or two. But look for normal photos of the figures and there’s thousands.
I can't wait to get mine. Shipping says from 1-12 business days. Hopefully it will be here soon because it's gonna be my first 1/6 HT!I'm gonna say this suit is the most used suit in the MCU right now. From Civil War to Homecoming to Infinity War. Usually suits are updated by the next movie.. and I"m gonna go with this will also be my first Infinity War HT too! lol.
I swore i wouldnt get this, so of course i joined the waitlist today. I can probably deal with the black lining. I was trying to wait for infinity war to see if a better version is coming but it looks like we will be getting iron spiderman based on the trailers and i like that design even less than the black lining.
Yeah but there will be other Spiderman movies coming. I think one is even planned. His suit will evolve with him as he gets older. So I'm OK to wait until then. Still like the AMSM2 suit the most. Just don't like the Spider logo on these recent ones. Sure they look newer and more vibrant, but I can wait.
That's my plan at least.
After 3 weeks sitting in the corner of my room, I am finally have time to open this bad boy up! I like the colors. Putting in a simple pose for now next to his uncle Tony.
Any luck on SSC WL conversions?
Since so many pre-orders aren't even filled yet, there's still a chance others will cancel and you'll end up with one.
I think this figure will be Marvel version of Knightmare Batman.
I hope so too. I think this figure will be Marvel version of Knightmare Batman. No any listings on eBay, Hong Kong sellers do not accept preorder and if they are left with few, they will but it for high prices on eBay.