1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

The winter jacket look is starting to grow on me. Great pics.

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Thanks! The water treatment does wonders! And I agree! Kylo is a simple but very satisfying figure.

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I wish they hadn't shown kylos face untill his confrontation with han solo. I am annoyed every time I watch tfa and he takes off his mask for this low tier scavenger. Why the hell would he? It just makes him less intimidating and easier to resist. On top of that the drama between father and son would have more impact because we still wouldn't know what he looked like untill that moment. Damn film makers missing all the marks these days. I'm worrier about ep. 8 tbh.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Great pics, TonTon - you're becoming quite the photographer.:clap

The blue of the jacket seems more intense than the SSC Hoth jacket. Hair looks quite nice when not in direct light - harsher light seems to light up the metallic sheen..
1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

The winter jacket look is starting to grow on me. Great pics.

Great pics, TonTon - you're becoming quite the photographer.:clap

The blue of the jacket seems more intense than the SSC Hoth jacket. Hair looks quite nice when not in direct light - harsher light seems to light up the metallic sheen..

:duff Thanks guys! Having fun with the camera.

Here's a shot of the full figure to see the coat/figure a bit better. I wanted to see if it looked good without the regular jacket underneath. Ends up a bit baggy in the arms but otherwise it looks about the same. It certainly has a shiny look to it but it's not a bad alternate look. Seems these days it would have been the "deluxe" version for an extra $20 but I'm glad it came included.

Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

I wish they hadn't shown kylos face untill his confrontation with han solo. I am annoyed every time I watch tfa and he takes off his mask for this low tier scavenger. Why the hell would he? It just makes him less intimidating and easier to resist. On top of that the drama between father and son would have more impact because we still wouldn't know what he looked like untill that moment. Damn film makers missing all the marks these days. I'm worrier about ep. 8 tbh.

That's why I have much more faith in the Anthology films if Rogue One is any indication.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

I wish they hadn't shown kylos face untill his confrontation with han solo. I am annoyed every time I watch tfa and he takes off his mask for this low tier scavenger. Why the hell would he? It just makes him less intimidating and easier to resist. On top of that the drama between father and son would have more impact because we still wouldn't know what he looked like untill that moment. Damn film makers missing all the marks these days. I'm worrier about ep. 8 tbh.

Rey is no low tier scavenger to Kylo. He knows EXACTLY who she is, and wants show her the ways of the Dark Side and lead her to Snoke's side... to prove himself both to Snoke and to himself. It's very personal to him. That why he removed his mask.

Spoiler Spoiler:
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Rey is no low tier scavenger to Kylo. He knows EXACTLY who she is, and wants show her the ways of the Dark Side and lead her to Snoke's side... to prove himself both to Snoke and to himself. It's very personal to him. That why he removed his mask.

Spoiler Spoiler:

I wish he kept his mask on for longer only because the way he keeps taking it on and off just suggests he doesn't really need to wear it. He seemed to wear it the way a hipster wears a panama hat. People seemed to say he put it on when he felt in danger or something, but even that doesn't really explain it.

Maybe it's just supposed to go with his emo vibe (hiding his face because he feels hurt and mnisunderstood,) but I'd rather he wear the mask always and have it knocked off in battle or as ecz says, in the final moment with Han. Star Wars characters tend to need masks - or not wear one. Maybe if they'd set up that he communes with the force through it somehow, or it gives him a heads-up display or something - some real purpose.

I do think it's kind of interesting that Kylo reflects fanboys (he's a Vader obsessive) of today - he's sort of a faux-tough wimp who talks the talk, then gets his *** handed to him by a scavenger girl on her first go at the saber and even a "stormtrooper." From that fanboy commentary perspective he was kind of timely - we're to the point where an emo fanboy can be the key villain of a SW film.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Hey guys, I'm pretty new at this forum stuff so my apologies for the crappy pics or if I mess up, but I decided to trim Chewie's muzzle as much as I could and futzed around with it to see if it made a difference. I personally think it worked out well!

That's one pretty lookin' Chewie!
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

:duff Thanks guys! Having fun with the camera.

Here's a shot of the full figure to see the coat/figure a bit better. I wanted to see if it looked good without the regular jacket underneath. Ends up a bit baggy in the arms but otherwise it looks about the same. It certainly has a shiny look to it but it's not a bad alternate look. Seems these days it would have been the "deluxe" version for an extra $20 but I'm glad it came included.


Nice picture. Han looks fantastic.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Rey is no low tier scavenger to Kylo. He knows EXACTLY who she is, and wants show her the ways of the Dark Side and lead her to Snoke's side... to prove himself both to Snoke and to himself. It's very personal to him. That why he removed his mask.

Not to mention that visually we needed to see how Kylo was struggling against Rey's own force powers, and the look of surprise on his face when she starts to fight back. I don't think that scene would have been nearly as effective if it was just an expressionless mask we were looking at the entire time.

And plus I think it helped to separate him a bit from Vader, to see that the mask wasn't something he needed to wear for survival, but was simply for affect or as some weird status symbol.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Not to mention that visually we needed to see how Kylo was struggling against Rey's own force powers, and the look of surprise on his face when she starts to fight back. I don't think that scene would have been nearly as effective if it was just an expressionless mask we were looking at the entire time.

And plus I think it helped to separate him a bit from Vader, to see that the mask wasn't something he needed to wear for survival, but was simply for affect or as some weird status symbol.

You could have easily shown this through his physique. You could easily feel vaders conflict in rotj as well.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

:duff Thanks guys! Having fun with the camera.

Here's a shot of the full figure to see the coat/figure a bit better. I wanted to see if it looked good without the regular jacket underneath. Ends up a bit baggy in the arms but otherwise it looks about the same. It certainly has a shiny look to it but it's not a bad alternate look. Seems these days it would have been the "deluxe" version for an extra $20 but I'm glad it came included.


Nice! :clap
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

I do think it's kind of interesting that Kylo reflects fanboys (he's a Vader obsessive) of today - he's sort of a faux-tough wimp who talks the talk, then gets his *** handed to him by a scavenger girl on her first go at the saber and even a "stormtrooper." From that fanboy commentary perspective he was kind of timely - we're to the point where an emo fanboy can be the key villain of a SW film.

This is exactly my biggest problem with him. Why exactly should I be scared off this guy again?

He became infinitely less scary the second that the mask came off and he started whining.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

who said you were supposed to be scared of him?

Poe didn't seem too scared of him when staring into his mask... Rey certainly wasn't scared of him while besting him in a duel...

we are seeing the beginning of an arc... read between the lines... Kylo could stop a blaster shot in mid air... he was able to duel after taking a direct bowcaster shot... we are meant to see the potential of being scared of him.

we weren't scared of Anakin when he slaughtered the Tuskens... we weren't even scared of him when he stormed the Jedi Temple and killed the younglings... as with Kylo, these were only his first few steps into earning our fear.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

who said you were supposed to be scared of him?

Just from a film-making perspective, from the way he's introduced, black costume and red saber, and the creepy-synth voice, it's pretty clear that they intended for us to be scared of Kylo.

For me, Kylo shares the same problem with Anakin - he mostly comes across as a whiny lightweight who hasn't really earned all the gravitas and importance we're supposed to be giving him.

I mean he's out-forced by a girl, nearly beaten by pretty much everyone he faces, and has a kinda funny hissy-fit. By the end I just wanted him to go back to the trailer park and back to bullying his little brothers with a Hasbro saber.

For me there's no "steps to earning our fear" - if a character's not scary or powerfully compelling in some way from the outset, then what's the point? Wait around for him to get interesting? You really have to wonder if it was just a regular sci-fi/fantasy film (not part of SW) would anyone even remember him?
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Just from a film-making perspective, from the way he's introduced, black costume and red saber, and the creepy-synth voice, it's pretty clear that they intended for us to be scared of Kylo.

For me, Kylo shares the same problem with Anakin - he mostly comes across as a whiny lightweight who hasn't really earned all the gravitas and importance we're supposed to be giving him.

I mean he's out-forced by a girl, nearly beaten by pretty much everyone he faces, and has a kinda funny hissy-fit. By the end I just wanted him to go back to the trailer park and back to bullying his little brothers with a Hasbro saber.

For me there's no "steps to earning our fear" - if a character's not scary or powerfully compelling in some way from the outset, then what's the point? Wait around for him to get interesting? You really have to wonder if it was just a regular sci-fi/fantasy film (not part of SW) would anyone even remember him?

I think everyone is missing the real point here with Kylo Ren! He's Han and Leias son!

We're not meant to be seeing Darth Vaders replacement! We're meant to be seeing the struggles of a young force sensitive individual who came from these two parents who fought in the rebellion.

It's more about the conflict of the family!
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

I think everyone is missing the real point here with Kylo Ren! He's Han and Leias son!

We're not meant to be seeing Darth Vaders replacement! We're meant to be seeing the struggles of a young force sensitive individual who came from these two parents who fought in the rebellion.

It's more about the conflict of the family!

Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Kylo may not have been frightening in the way of Vader or Maul, but there was still something in his rage and unpredictability that I thought made for an effective and refreshingly different kind of SW villain. As you never quite knew how he was going to respond in any situation, or when he might angrily lash out and slice someone's head off or impale them through the heart.

How some can only see another "whiny emo kid" like Anakin I'll never understand, because to me Driver's performance made him seem a lot more interesting and complex than that. Which is probably helped by the fact that Driver actually knows how to act. ;)
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Kylo may not have been frightening in the way of Vader or Maul, but there was still something in his rage and unpredictability that I thought made for an effective and refreshingly different kind of SW villain. As you never quite knew how he was going to respond in any situation, or when he might angrily lash out and slice someone's head off or impale them through the heart.

How some can only see some "whiny emo kid" like Anakin I'll never understand, because to me Driver's performance made him seem a lot more interesting and complex than that. And the fact Driver actually knows how to act helps quite a bit with that as well. ;)

The problem is his rage in the mask, him going berserk on the old man in the beginning, him using torture on Poe, him going berserk on a set of computers and choking his subjects after hearing of "a girl", the problem is they DID make him look like a Vader, and very effective might I add. I loved the way he was using his rage at any chance and interpreTed it as his way of using the dark side and becoming stronger. Then he took off his mask and I was like "huh?". It just didn't add up. Maybe if he had been a child it could have worked, like a child soldier that's just confused. but a grown man? No need for him to be so insecure.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Huh. I admit I may have found the sight of his wavy luxurious hair to be a bit distracting at first, but the fact he looked like Driver didn't bother me. There are plenty of scary, dangerous, and impulsive 20-30 year olds in the world doing a lot of horrible things to people (and in fact that seems to be the ideal age for that kind of thing), so it didn't seem strange at all to me that Kylo would be one of them.