Hmm, my initial reaction to the Han was that it looked a bit off and weird, but it does seem to be growing on me the more I look at it. Although the head does still seem too wide and the lines not quite as sunken in as they should be. Much like with Obi-Wan, it's got all the right details on there but the underlying shape just doesn't seem quite right somehow.
I find a lot of times my initial reaction to a sculpt is based more on my own faulty memory of what someone looks like rather than reality. And then as time goes on I generally start to appreciate the sculpt for what it is rather than what I expected it to be. This is a case though where it matched up really well with my expectations and aside from some inaccuracies (like all sculpts) I think it looks fantastic.
I also appreciate it has a determined look... some recent HT and especially Sideshow sculpts have just looked too passive. Han looks like he's ready to blast a hole in somebody.
Are you gonna retire this routine at some point?