Super Freak
what is this month code
what is this month code
that did not work for this fett
Just got this today. Compared him against the SS version and the HT one blows the SS one out of the water. Paint apps are just amazing. Was going to keep both but glad to selling off the SS one.
Just got this today. Compared him against the SS version and the HT one blows the SS one out of the water. Paint apps are just amazing. Was going to keep both but glad to selling off the SS one.
How much do you think you'll sell the SS? I only ask because I have one to I am planning on selling. Looking for an average selling price (without parting out)
I'm not sure anyone's getting 200 for the sideshow, you never know though
The clear tubes yellowed with age and so appear gold on the costumes that are displayed at shows like "Magic of the Myth." The HT codpiece mimics the (non-screen accurate) look of the codpiece often seen on the display costumes, so it's likely that's the reference HT used.
Moddified gray pegs from Sideshow Boba Fett.
How much mods did you have to do to get them to fit?