Ebeneezer Jones
Super Freak
Got mine the other day as well. Great figure. Thank god for auto contrast.

Question for those that already own the Sideshow Fett. Is this worth the upgrade?
Iand I hated the body's poseability.
I didn't realize you can't use the month discount code with your reward points.
My rifles are totally stock.
And I mentioned the blue color of the flight suit in the 1/4 Fett thread, but cats weren't hearing it lol!
As for your Fett, would you mind giving a rundown of all the parts used? It looks pretty sharp.
Rubio, after I started pulling parts for my custom ESB Fett last year (I ended up hand-making stuff like the chest armor for that one) I was left with half a leftover Marmit Fett and bits of my Hasbro Fett, plus a few SSC parts I didn't like.
So for this ROTJ Fett I bought the HT helmet and pouches belt (about $50) and used the Marmit chest armor, gauntlets (blended with hasbro Jango - pipes are still there) braids and boots, SSC hands, neck hood and tools, Hasbro jet pack (with a few Marmit details added) codpiece/band/butt armor and jumpsuit - because it has more blue. Rifle is a blend of the hasbro and the Marmit ESB, though I made the mistake of matching it to the HT gun, not the prop, so it's a bit skinny. Cape (with eyelets) and US divers buckle/belt are custom. Body is old dragon.
As well as straps, I built a frame to mount the jetpack on but you can't see it, but it does make the pack hang at a nice angle. Still have some paint touch-ups to do (weather back side) some pipes to add/cut off and going to reduce those thigh pockets a touch and futz jumpsuit.
First and foremost, thank you, Spark Extractor, for the heads-up on the Toy Anxiety part-out. I've ordered another body, flight suit and armor vest for other Fett projects.
Second, thanks to everyone for the wonderful compliments (no rep points? - I just love getting those).
And thirdly, though it's been explained pretty well, the padded suit is not difficult to remove. I did the same with the 1/4 scale. Unfortunately, the cod piece must be 'broken' in order to remove it, meaning that the thin glue seal must be cracked. I haven't re-glued mine, because I have many other mods in mind. The only other modification I made to mine was to cut down the latissimus dorsi, which is the fancy term for the 'side abs just below the uderarms.' The underlying body is simply fantastic (VASTLY superior to the 1/4 scale 'standard' body), skinny and wiry, but I cut down that section just so the arms could pull a bit closer to the sides when at full resting position. I don't think it's a necessary mod to anyone but the SuperFett nerd!
As far as the neck goes, I simply pulled the helmet up so that it's just BARELY snug in the socket. The more of his collar you can see, the better. I especially love that Hot Toys sewed the collar unevenly (just like the screen-used suit!).
I may have been a little 'meh' upon receiving the figure, but after posing and photographing him, I am truly in love, warts and all. There is just NO SUBSTITUTE for the TrueType bodies. I still firmly hold to all of my gripes, but I'd be lying if I said that this isn't the finest overall package ever made available.
Anyways, again, thanks to everyone who has complimented my mods/photos, but there's just very little that needs to be done here.
Boba Fett doing his 'haters gonna hate' pose.
Lol, I got some heat from the homies on that pic. Eff it, I think it looks cool!
On a side note, looks like you bottom armour plate has become detached. Or was it always that way?
First and foremost, thank you, Spark Extractor, for the heads-up on the Toy Anxiety part-out. I've ordered another body, flight suit and armor vest for other Fett projects.
Second, thanks to everyone for the wonderful compliments (no rep points? - I just love getting those)
I think it's a pretty significant upgrade yes. But the SS is still a very nice figure,so guess that it's only worth it if you can spare the money. You'll have a nice Fett either way. But if you end up replacing parts, one thing you shouldn't buy from the HT is the hands...