Thanks for detailing those mods. You've done a CHAMPION job!
I'm particularly interested in the jetpack frame you mentioned. The real suit has a frame (the aforementioned Scuba tank harness - of which the US Diver buckle is from), and enables the jetpack to sit at a fixed 'height,' while bowing out a bit, so that it doesn't sit parallel the back armor.
As for everything else, I think it's a wonderful mashup! I would only suggest painting the stock of the rifle a black color. Whereas the ESB rifle featured the original wood stock of the base prop, the RotJ rifles were cast from it, so they're all resin/rubber (no wood on ANY of the copies).
I've also been stocking up on other parts for a definitive custom (not sure which version), and for the base suit I ordered another Sideshow Prototype flightsuit (white cotton for dying purposes AND good pant length).
Anyways, GREAT work! I'd be quite interested in A LOT more pics (I checked your thread, but found nothing.
Anyone try to put the jet pack on the SS Fett? I know that there will be more involved.
Different brands of jetpacks size comparison
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I went today to my local collectable store with my SS V1 Boba Fett to trade, receive a cash value towards the purchase of HT regular Boba Fett. Respecting the toy company I will not divulge the trade value they gave me BUT I will say that I was 100% satisfied. The HT Fett was out on display so I had an opportunity to see the product in hand before purchasing.
A little history, when HT revealed their Fett I was not interested since I had SS already. When production piece was revealed I was on the fence and remained on the fence till today. First world problems, do I really need to upgrade? Do I really want to dish out around $340 CAN for something so similar I purchase for $170 few years back? I can understand if you never owned a 1/6 Fett the "WOW" factor it will have, but how much "WOW" will it provide me?
Well....I came, I saw, I compared and......I didn't make the upgrade folks. The HT Fett on display looked fabulous, beautiful much better thank than any pic you would see online BUT I felt no 'WOW"!! It's funny how we say that HT makes the skin tone darker that it should be. I felt the same way about HT Fett. He looked dark. Dark that there was not much contrast with the green and reds? If i could say that. In a way I kind of like the "clean" version of ESB Fett better.
I even went to the extent of comparing my SS Fett side by side with the HT to make a legitimate comparisons, before I decided that I will not move forward with the purchase. I guess I will keep my money and use it towards the purchase of Ripley. Good thing SS did not make one...
I understand what you say about that WOW factor.
I was always shocked by my friend's Boba Fett, SSC, at his place. Well posed, at the time it was an astonishing piece.
HT Fett, I have yet to see in hand, but I think requires more mods to make him WOW us, the mods rubio did at least.
Somehow the SSC helmet also looks more accurate, sculptwise...
A few of you asked to see the SSC helmet on the HT body. I too was curious. I must say, it doesn't look too bad.
View attachment 265852
A few of you asked to see the SSC helmet on the HT body. I too was curious. I must say, it doesn't look too bad.
View attachment 265852
A few of you asked to see the SSC helmet on the HT body. I too was curious. I must say, it doesn't look too bad.
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