Super Freak
Don't jinx it!
i am speechless ~ these pictures are fulla win from luke's plastic-wrapped feet, to blow-up doll barbie on loki's lap! well done!
: D
2 more hours to go!
Well I got my Loki and its the first ****ed up box I've gotten. Aside from that, does anyone's helmet not sit flush when put together? I think it's the back middle that isn't letting it sit flush.
LOL at the pix!!
Loki is in da house. He's not yet deboxed, probably tomorrow when I am alone in the house.
UPS actually tried to give me TWO Lokis. I did the right thing and sent one of them back to Asgard, er the UPS depot. SSC only charged me for one, but I overcame my inner supervillain and did the right thing.
aaaaaaand......loki has joined the ranks of my trailer-trash odin family.
don't think this will be his final look, but here he is for now.
Thanks hot toyswhile still reading the manual on how to remove the helmet, I took a peek inside and notice the rear tab looks like it was busted off. Whomever put the helmet together from the factory
must of broke's a good thing the side tabs are still in tack.