Today at SDCC we took our Son to the Marvel booth in his Agent Coulson costume. Talked to the Marvel guys, who are always amazing. They hooked us up and were going to get our Son up on stage with Tom Hiddleston when he was there for his autograph signing.
Unfortunately we waited up at the stage (about 10') from Tom as he was signing autographs. They finally told us we were up, so we got up in the line. We were maybe 5-6 people from him when he was suddenly whisked away. We were told later that his Publicist told them that Tom hadn't eaten anything yet, and even though Tom and the Director both wanted to stay, the Publicist took them away. So sadly no photo.
So when Loki turns on Thor in The Dark World, maybe Odin should look up his Publicist.
However......Tom was absolutely AMAZING during the signing. There was a big screen behind him with a guy in front of him filming. He signed a bunch of autographs, read a poem from a book for one girl. They were playing some song called "Up all night to get Loki'd" in the background, and these girls started singing that over and over, and he started dancing to their singing. Then he grabbed a mic and was singing along with them.
When we later talked to the Marvel guy who was in charge of the signing, he said he's done 5 signings with Tom and he is by far the best, coolest person he's worked with.
I always love seeing/hearing stuff like that.